Riders missing their torsos / jerseys

Using ATV. Have recently noticed some riders out there who seem to be missing their torsos / jerseys. Bikes show fine as well as their legs, but you can see right through where their torsos should be. Not a large number of riders seem to exhibit this and not sure if others are seeing same.

Which model of ATV do you have? If it’s one of the 4K models I would delete the Zwift app and reinstall it.

Also, make sure you force-close Zwift after every session, and so it’s not just constantly running in the background.

It’s a 4K Gen 1 so I’ll try uninstalling/ reinstalling. Thanks for the suggestion

Hi @Jeremy_Hardman,

Thanks for bringing this query to our attention! Jose here from Zwift.

I’m sorry to hear that avatars are disappearing in the game, this usually happens for the following reasons:

  1. Internet Connection Issues
  2. Multiple Zwift Sessions Open
  3. Zwift Server Issues

In addition to the step that @Steve_Hammatt suggested, I also share this article with some steps that you can try.

If you need help with anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@zwift.com

Have a nice day!

Hi. I’m familiar with the issue where all avatars disappear due to internet connection loss - this is different where most avatars appear normal but a small number are missing parts of the body but their bike, head, arms and legs still show. I’m in the midst of reinstalling now and will test further on the weekend - if it shows up again I’ll try to grab a picture so you can see what I’m referring to

Thanks for the suggestion - that seemed to work as I didn’t see the issue this weekend,

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