There are various reports about faulty handlebar controllers of the Zwift ride and I suspect this is because of a software bug. Going through the bug reports in this forum it seems many of the replacement handlebars also fail after a short period of time.
I also got my handlebars replaced due to ghost inputs from the right-hand controller and non-working buttons. I also received a replacement handlebar, but after a few rides problems with the right-hand controller reoccured. Ride-ons are only triggered when I press the B button afterwards. Power ups are also only triggered after I press the B button.
I have the suspicion that a certain constellation in the game is causing this. Maybe the controller gets a faulty (write) command from the zwift application?
I think the odd behaviour started during zwifting, but I am not 100% sure. Maybe someone from zwift can look into this?
I am having similar issues (spurious buttons popping up the menu) with my replacement handlebar (the first one had the left controller not starting up after just a month of usage). I believe they are facing a major reliability issue.
Let me clarify my assumption: I think it could be a software bug. A bug that affects the BLE interaction between Zwift and the controller. The controller could be confused by a bad (write) command sent by Zwift via their BLE serial port implementation.
I don’t think it is SW related. I had absolutely no issue at the beginning. It only starts to appear after a few weeks. My take is that the product is not well sealed and sweat is entering and starts to corrode the circuit boards.
I have the same issue. I am pretty sure it is sweat working its way into the handlebar controls and shorting the electronics. I tipped the bike back and noticed some moisture drip from the controls. This is not good news for the future and makes me wonder if the bars are fit for purpose.
Hi Steve.
I’ve only owned my Zwift Ride for two months or so, and less than a month in I had problems with my handlebar controllers not working! I got in touch with Zwift and they very quickly despatched a new set ( thanks for the excellent customer service Zwift! ). I fitted the new bars and all was well again. Anyway, today only 4 weeks of using the new handlebars, the same fault occurred again. I have been meticulous about covering the button when training to avoid incursion of sweat. I believe there is another reason why this part is failing on a regular basis, and from the forums it seems that Zwift are aware of it but haven’t admitted it yet, or come up with a fix, either hardware or software. I’m so disappointed that the QC on this is so poor, and would like for Zwift to take action to address the problem.