Resuming training plan is not permanent

A few weeks ago I’ve enrolled for the Build Me Up training plan and completed some workouts. Then missed 3 sessions and decided to restart. In order to reset my plan, I picked another on (Back To Fitness) and immediately switched back to my Build Me Up. Here my problem begins - I’ve changed my mind and decided I would like to continue where I left and I hit Resume. Everything was fine until I came the very next day to see "Back To Fitness’ plan again. Now every time I start Zwift I have to change my plan to Build Me Up, Resume and navigate to the current week. That happens independently for my Zwift on Mac and also companion app. Is there any way to permanently resume Build Me Up?

Hi @Marcin_Ksiazek

Welcome to the Forums!

I’m a tech support agent with the Zwift team, and I was able to check your account.

From what I can see, you were enrolled in the Back to Fitness training plan as of February 14, 2022, but it doesn’t look like the plan was cancelled or ended until February 20, 2022.

It now shows that the Back to Fitness plan has ended on your account, so I’d wager you should be able to continue with the Build Me Up plan.

For future reference, if you ever need to properly cancel a training plan, you can do so by following the steps in this article. Pertinent information is about midway down the page of the article in the Canceling your Training Plan section.

Hi Steven,

I figured it out eventually ad you are right. I had to scroll left on the ‘Back To Fitness’ plan and use the ‘Cancel’ button after that I enrolled for ‘Build Me Up’ and chose the 'Resume" option. It looks like the change I permanent now.

I still consider this to be a bug as Resuming ‘Build Me Up’ should result in implicit cancellation of the ‘Back To Fitness’ and not restore it with the next application run.

Hi @Marcin_Ksiazek

Thanks for letting me know you’ve cancelled the Back To Fitness plan.

To my knowledge, Zwift has always functioned in such a way that one should either cancel or complete the previously selected training plan before enrolling in a new training plan. This is due to one being able to participate in only one training plan at a time.

It can be assumed that Zwift will not auto-cancel your previously selected training plan when you enroll in a new training plan because it would be a shame if someone accidentally did this, and then lost all of the progress on their current plan.

I do see your point, however, and if this is a change you’d like to see in Zwift, I suggest that you raise the issue in the Feature Requests section of the forums, as it seems it’s more appropriate there rather than being a true bugs and support issue.


Hello Steven D.,
I did “Build me up” but skipped 4 trainings, How can I restart from the beginning this year ?
Thank you