Replacing Zwift Ride/Zwift Frame front chainring

I received my new Zwift Ride yesterday and the chain ring was bent and rubbed on the chain tensioner, I posted my thoughts and a solution earlier today but it seems to have disappeared. If anyone has the same issue and wants to know how they “might” fix it, or if someone here has already found a fix then please post here or PM me.

Even as I type this I can see a number of forum posts appearing in the “similar topic” box on the same subject.

I see your earlier post marked as invisible and only those that participated in the post can view it, (unless someone like me had it open in the first place). Loads of Ride related posts like yours have been made invisible and are not available for searching - questionable ethics imo but it’s Zwift’s platform.

Here’s your original post…


I don’t believe it’s anything unethical.

I believe the reason posts are being made invisible is that a support agent is already engaged with the poster offline i.e. Email so the post gets hidden to avoid duplication.

No conspiracy or cover up.

You may well be right, but I see hundreds of only Ride related ones treated this way and not non-Ride related posts where the same staff interaction takes place for common complaints/issues in the forums.

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I believe it’s a new idea to do this to try and ease the backlog and it doesn’t happen with every post so that’s why there’s variance.

Seems counter-intuitive but fair call if Zwift are genuinely trying to improve responsiveness.

Not being a public forum, Zwift has the power of censuring the forum wherever way they want, but intentionally hiding or censoring a truthful event is typically considered immoral because it involves deception, manipulation, or withholding information that could be important for others to make informed decisions. Instead of using resources to manage the information flow in the forum, Zwift should strive to improve customer experience :wink:

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They are trying to improve the service, hence the action takento avoid duplicity.

There’s no censoring, manipulation or deception involved. If a user is saying something is broken and the post is hidden as there is an active email conversation ongoing i don’t see how its a negative thing.

You need to understand the reasoning as to why they’re doing it to understand they’re doing it for a good reason.

I’d argue that the forum is public. Yes Zwift staff are present but they make no attempt at moderating it to silence people from opinions etc…

Though couldn’t there be solutions that are developed by support for various issues, behind the scenes, that never get publicized if the threads go invisible? So of course, the same issue will get posted again by the next person with the same problem, then hidden, and so on.

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If you look they are hiding posts where a user is requiring individual support on a product rather than posts about global issues.

If they started hiding posts about bugs etc… Then I’d happily call it out.

The current practise is nothing but trying to avoid duplicity.

That’s fair. There are some posts where I am curious though as to how an issue was resolved. Not hidden posts, but those where a Zwift colleague just says that they’ve sent them an email. Anyone with the same issue, therefore hasn’t learned anything from the thread they searched for and found.
Random example:
ht tps://

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the platform, and I know you mean well. However, while hiding posts isn’t illegal, it is indeed unethical—at least by Western standards. It amounts to complete control of information flow. They aren’t merely grouping issues/complaints to avoid duplication; they’re outright hiding them. I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up hidden too, just to keep me quiet! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Going back to the original issue, unfortunately despite being advertised as a “narrow” chain ring the Amazon product is actually a narrow/wide which isn’t what I need for the narrow only chain on my Zwift ride. Rather than use the trial and error approach to get something I have asked Zwift if they can supply a replacement. regards

I assume it uses a chainring with a standard tooth pattern (narrow/wide is generally for 1x systems) so you just need to match the number of teeth and the bolt pattern. I wouldn’t recommend using Amazon for this — check specialized retailers like Wolf Tooth Components instead. It should be pretty straightforward.


On the one hand, yes, it is a standard configuration with one 104 BCD And 42 teeth. Unfortunately, the whole world has gone to a narrow wide chainring to suit a 1x setup, Whereas the chain on the Zwift ride is a narrow chain.

I could probably find one by hunting around, but don’t have the time so will just get a replacement from Zwift.

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Zwift hiding posts to stop the user base knowing just how many issues there are with the Ride. All time low :person_facepalming:


Hello @Graham_Mackie

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I manage this community forum. Your forum post was unlisted so we don’t handle issues on this public forum where your money and private information are concerned (i.e. Zwift Shop and subscriptions).

In that thread - Monica said she’d be assisting you via email, you acknowledged, and the discussion shifted to email support where you continued your discussion offline.

The last interaction was on November 10, where Camilo asked you to email a still image or video of your chainring, and the Support team is standing by for your response. Please reply via email at your earliest convenience.

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