Possibly/probably the same issue; but I’ve seen red squares since the 1.51 update and sometimes the “rider following” flags at the bottoms are vertically stretched.
Me too. Only since most recent update
Maroon squares in 1.52, centered on my bike. About a dozen flashes in around a second.
I have those maroon colored squares as well in v1.52. All seem to emerge from the rear tail light.
Haven’t seen maroon ones yet; but getting turquoise here; and yeah, seems to be the taillight [again].
I’m still getting the boxes as of today….
Came to report the same as a few above; defo still getting black boxes, seems tail light related.
Im getting red/maroon boxes still on version 1.52
Still getting them (the black ones) here on the latest version as well, and not just on the new roads.
Dozens of maroon boxes on the Alpe yesterday.
Hey all - I split the reports of reddish squares appearing in the Watopia Exapnsion routes, particularly over taillights.
We’re working on it!
Is there any chance this is due to braking?
When i press the brakes on my zwift play controllers the light just goes to a red blur
no real light in the middle it seems to be coming from like when the brakes are not pressed, just a kind of red fog behind the rider.
so if you were behind someone that pressed the brakes maybe it makes the red square flash up for the people behind?
i accidentally tap the brake all the time when changing gear and the brake light briefly flashes
I believe it’s connected with the autobraking feature introduced with pack dynamics.
The boxes flashes each time the brake light would go on when autobraking.
But you don’t want to have the brake light flashing all the time.
Maybe the program code masking it is broken.
Or brake light might just be a square transparent overlay with the semitransparent red blooming light in the middle. The Zwift program is not supposed to show it when autobraking but shows the black /maroon squares instead.
I was nowhere near a pack - riding solo, heading up the Epic KOM and Alpe.
What auto braking would be applied there?
Big red square. Not a glow like a brake light.
This seems unlikely, since the problem doesn’t occur on all platforms.
Different rendering?
How do you know that it is not on all platforms?
The previous black squares issues have only occurred on Windows/Mac, and I don’t expect this one to be any different.
Deciding to switch on the brake light in the code and then having to render some graphics to mask it again would also be a pretty bizarre way to code it, considering that the brake light is very new.
I did not say that they render an actual graphic to over the brake light.
Maybe the code calls for the brake light graphics, but is suppressed when it is caused by autobraking.
And this is broken somehow.
It’s just a guess. I’m no programmer.