Race Time Error

I competed in the Crit Crusher 18:10 on 23/05/23 and noticed my finishing time was over 30 seconds longer than my live race time?

Seems like an error and how does it get fixed?

Image attached - Finishing time on screen but live race time also visible on the data bar above

Check out this snapshot from my ride on Zwift!

It takes into account the time from the pen to the actual race start. It’s not classed as a bug as such.

Been like that since the dawn of time. Not so much an issue with cycling but with running it messes up your average pace.

The game timer begins, not when you leave the pen, but when you pass a line on the road shortly after leaving the pens. This is normally about 20-30 seconds.

It is not a bug or an error.

The leaderboard screen you have shown is your time from the countdown reaching zero.

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