Now Zwifting with Tacx Fortius

I’m zwifting with my Tacx Fortius.
Interested? please check GitHub - WouterJD/FortiusANT: FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT or Bluetooth LE. I would appreciate any feedback!

I have a Tacx I-Magic that I bought a new blue head unit when I moved to Windows 64 bit years ago. I was going to use an old 32 bit Windows XP laptop laying around to simply convert the USB signal to ANT, That way I can run Zwift on an ipad for my wife and PC for me since I already use a Tacx Vortex smart trainer. Will this work and which head unit do I use green 32 or blue 64?

Hi Dave.
I do not know the iMagic but if that is a USB-connected Tacx Trainer, I expect it will work. For same reason I cannot advice on greed32 or blue64 unit.
Please give it a go and raise issues on GitHub - WouterJD/FortiusANT: FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT or Bluetooth LE. and I will try to assist.

How are you these days? iMagic is supported

Nice - can I post a link to the unofficial Tacx forum?

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Baron, sure be my guest and keep me informed as soon as done. :grinning:

Thanks Wouter, much appreciated.

How does it work???
i have iMagic T1932
is there any chance of having the trainer controlled by ZWIFT???

It sure does: iFlow, iMagic, iVortex all supported.
Visit GitHub FortiusANT!

Goodmorning Wouter,

I have a Tacx Fortius, with the archives you have posted, how do I connect the Fortius to Zwift? Do I need a ANT+ receiver for my pc?

My PC:

-Asus Kv45,
-Intel i5-3230M @ 2.60GHz

  • 6GB of RAM
  • Windows 7 Ultimate x64bit

Also, my phone only has bluetooth support, does this have anything to do with all of this? Since I use my bluetooth sensors paired to Zwift Companion to train.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Daniel. Welcome to the FortiusANT crew! Where are you from?

One PC with FortiusANT needs one dongle.
Another PC runs Zwift and also needs a dongle.
That’s the basic idea.

FortiusANT AND Zwift can run on same PC requiring two dongles.

When the PC and your phone are ik in the same subnet they talk together, no Bluetooth needed.
Bluetooth is not in scope here, since neither trainer nor FortiusANT talk Bluetooth.


I’m from Colombia, as you know a cyclists country. I see you are from the Netherlands the cycling country by excellency!!!

Well, in that order of ideas, I would need 2 ant dongles? I will have to get another one, IDK if Aliexpress is shipping to my country since we are still in lockdown.

With the great software and phyton archives you provided it doesn’t exists a way in which I can use a single dongle?

I’ll try to do my best, and will keep you updated. Also, I have read the wiki, but there are few things that I don’t understand

Firstly, do I have to execute the phyton archives and then the executables? Or, what are the steps?

I never have installed any Tacx software in PC, neither connected the trainer to the PC.

I hope this much questions don’t mean much trouble for you.

Again, thanks for you guidance, this is pure gold.

Yes indeed, you need two ANTdongles (or run Zwift on another device that has ANT)

Avoid buying Ansem CYPLUS dongle, see What USB ANT+ BLE dongles to use and where to buy? · Issue #61 · WouterJD/FortiusANT · GitHub and /65.

Since Zwift “takes” the whole dongle, you need a second.

Since you use windows you can use FortiusANT.exe and you do not need python.

See wiki on GitHub for more info.

I think I have an idea:

My cellphone does support ANT+ connections, if I connect the Tacx Fortius via USB to my cellphone, and use it as the #2 ANT+ Dongle, will it connect with the #1 ANT+ Dongle that will be connected to my PC (which runs Zwift)?

Deeply appreaciate your responses and patience.

Almost good:

  1. Tacx connects through USB to PC running FortiusANT transmitting through ANTdongle

  2. You run Zwift on cellphone using ANT to connect to FortiusANT.

Or in a chain:
Zwift on cellphone/ANT → ANT/PC → FortiusANT → USB → tacx



Many thanks!!! I’ll try to make a video to give you the credit you deserve!!!

Ping me on Strava if you like: Signup for free to see more about Wouter Dubbeldam 🌷.

je possede un Tacx fortius j ai essayer de l installer( fortiusant libusb) je pense avoir reussi mes le souci c est que fortiusant ne veux pas s ouvir
pouvez vous m aider.

Bonjour regis!
Commençons avex une trace: FortiusANT -g -d127
Ça produit une logfile.

Puis faisez un issue sur GitHub e je repondrai le plus vites possibile.

Saluti, Wouter

Désolé je n est pas compris
“FortiusANT -g -d127”