Neokyo in November!

Well some users are getting new content. We know at least one user rides a nice Bahrain Merida Scultura bike in Zwift (I’ve taken screenshots of him on it). So what else might be lurking out there…

Expansions of some of the existing worlds would make me fairly happy. Maybe some extra bits in Watopia. But Innsbruck would seem easiest because you’ve got the real thing to base the new routes from. Timmelsjoch for instance, Kühtai, etc.

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Just a thought, but I wonder how many of those who aren’t enjoying Neokyo due to the darkness and/or its twisty nature are on smaller screens, such as iPads or laptop screens?

I use a decent-sized TV for Zwifting and it’s very immersive.

Clearly not every world will be everyone’s favourite though.

Neokyo is to much like New York, and well New York sucks.

It’s early days and perhaps opinion will change when we get full bloodied races on the course but at the moment the whole Makuri island has missed the boat… Time spent on it would have been better placed in France or Watopia and expanding those worlds.


True - I road in there a few times after release, now I won’t anymore. It’s boring and too many small false flat parts. I’ve done a couple of routes, the rest all looks the same so there is no incentive to do those.

I use a laptop for all of my Zwifting and personally I have really enjoyed Neokyo so far . Makuri islands is at the moment my favourite world outside of watopia and I think as more roads (like Mt Fuji) are added over time it will overtake Watopia as my favourite world eventually.