Navigation Bar Updates [Feb 2023]

All text no icons.

Rotating avatar showing kit and bike.

Side scroll Arrow icons.

Amount of paired devices.


I like it.

Train => Workout, Worlds => Routes, and “Exit” should stand out from the rest of the menu options. The radius of the corners of the menu items do not align with the other tiles.

The picture of the rider’s setup could be combined with the garage somehow, maybe by clicking the avatar (in addition to the “Garage” menu item?). Or, maybe the profile and the garage/avatar can get their own section at the upper right. The options in the dropdown menu can always be available to reduce the number of clicks. OK, it can be challenging to make this look good, but I like to have all these options one click away.

Also, when I have signed up for an event I have to somehow confirm that I really want to enter the event. If I have signed up, I would like to skip this step. It is just annoying.

Icons are (largely) language independent. Text needs to be configured for each language. This is User Interface 101.



  • Did you mean that? Because it is a good example, “101” being a US English phrase, not UK English.
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The is already text on the homescreen and you have to pick a language so can’t see it being problematic

Just get it Accessibility tested please.

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101 is commonly used in the UK.

While you’re in there kicking some code around, can you have the routes remember our last sort order?
Pretty please?


I do not know about other languages, but German is problematic. Wrong spelling, grammatical errors, not everything translated.

It’s understood by many in the UK, but it’s not a widespread UK expression. It’s origin is US like 911, 411 and 401K.

The HUD is totally messed up. For German the SI Einheiten should be used correctly.

Time = Zeit = t in s(ekunde)

Lenght = Länge = l in m(eter) or km

Speed = Geschwindigkeit = v in m/s oder km/h

actually its a wild mix of upper and lower case and English and German

Power = Leistung = P in W(att) → capital letter!!!

Zwift uses
“KM” instead of “km”
and “M” instead of “m”
and “w” instead of “W”
and “w/kg” instead of “W/kg”. :man_facepalming:


Its pretty hard for a non native speaker to master German language. E.g. “umfahren” (to drive someone over) is the opposite of “umfahren” (to drive around someone) :rofl:

German is for sure a difficult language, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the german language itself, Mike. I run Zwift in English with metric system and I get the mistakes mentioned above. Zwift ignores the International System of Units → International System of Units - Wikipedia


RPM should be for germans U/min and
BPM should be MM

I am German and i don’t know what mm should stand for?!


Die Bezeichnung für die Anzahl der Zählzeiten pro Minute ist „Mälzels Metronom“ (abgekürzt MM).

I looked it up and “MM” is only used in music and not in the heart rate context.

The better unit for heart rate in Germany would be min^−1, but that’s a bit too cryptical.
Just keep it BPM which is common, too.

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HF = Herzfrequenz?
But this one is not a problem for me.

Hi everyone! Thanks for the feedback.

Our goal is to make sure the navigation is accessible to all Zwifters and, no matter your language, you can find what you are looking for quickly. Based on the feedback thus far, we’d like to change the following:

  • Show the pairing and exit icon outside of the sub menu.
  • Update the word ‘Train’ to ‘Workouts.’ We will be working with our localization team to understand the space limitations when this is translated.

For now, we will not be moving the garage out of the sub menu. We do have limited space when managing screen sizes and will continue to evaluate this during implementation. Along with this work, we are investigating ways to decrease the amount of clicks when navigating on devices like AppleTV. We hope to make this experience more seamless when moving across pages.

Great callouts @Gerrie_Delport_ODZ, @Mark_Gallagher, and @CardiffGreens for the side scroll arrows. We know that it is a pain point for people on desktop and are reviewing potential implementations. I’m glad we are aligned on that solution and hopefully will be able to share this sooner rather than later.

@R_onald we hope to make it easier when joining a race and this is also being evaluated. We want to make sure it’s clear which button is highlighted and that there are no accidental clicks when swiping over the category selection.

If you have any further feedback on the navigation, please continue to leave comments in this forum. It’s always great to connect and see what we can improve upon.
