Missing Tron bike

My Tron bike has disappeared from my garage.!? Does anyone have any ideas how to get it back?

Welcome to the Forums, Kim.
Short answer: no idea! That’s a bummer. (You had me worried; I went into my garage to check that mine was still there. :worried:)

Am assuming that you’ve logged off Zwift on all devices it might thave been open on and re-opened on a single device to re-check your garage for the Zwift Concept Z1.

Have you had the Tron for a long time or is it a very recent acquisition? Have you recently opened Zwift on a device that you don’t normally use and which had an old version of the game? (I recall hearing of this having an adverse effect on people’s levels, etc., but not for a couple of years, at least.)
Just spitballing here. If nothing works, you’ll have to email Zwift support.

Ensure you’re not logged into the game on multiple devices at once (phone, iPad, laptop etc).

My Tron bike also disapeared… I’m not logged on with any other devices… did you yet yours back? how?

Contact support