Ran my first meetup yesterday and it was pretty awesome. I will preface what comes next with the fact that I’m only a 2-week old Zwifter so very new to this and I could be misspeaking.
The invite process worked great, but I had to amend the time the day before the meetup and updating the meetup didn’t result in an updated notification to the followers that had signed up. They would have had to look at the meetup manually in Companion to see the change.
The meetup messaging also showed other Zwifters’ messages that weren’t in the meet-up. I thought it was supposed to be closed to only those in the meet-up so either I did something wrong or may have found an issue. I was in the “meetup” part of the messaging tab in Companion.
Overall it worked great and we loved it. I appreciate Zwift starting off small with a crawl/walk/run approach and look forward to more features coming. I would love to see future features like…
*Allow for late riders to join
*Private meetup chat (unless I did something wrong and the feature already works properly)
*Limit rider list on screen to only those in your meetup for easier visibility of the group
*Notifications sent to riders if meetup is updated by leader
*Allow riders of different abilities to have some sort of buffer based on FTP or perceived A/B/C/D/E rating to keep group closer together. I’m torn a bit on this as one of the values to a real-life group ride is pushing the abilities of riders to make them stronger so I’m open to suggestions here.
Thank you Zwift, I’m loving your software, these new features and the experience you provide. Your products make me WANT to ride inside. Life is good. =)