When running calibration prior to Tour of Watopia Stage 3, the results end up way off. Barely spinning the wheel shows 2000 watts.
- It has been a long time since I’ve calibrated in Zwift; however, prior to tonight, I have not had any issues with watts in Zwift (displayed efforts felt similar across multiple applications)
- Verified trainer is on latest firmware.
- Calibration spin-up and spin-down appear to be laggy.
- Repeated attempts at calibration had same result.
- Ran calibration on another virtual training program and had the expected, normal results.
- Running Zwift via PC (as previous).
- Had Companion app both on and off - no difference (in case of some sort of interference)
- Removed and reconnected trainer.
- Rebooted trainer and laptop.
Any hints or suggestions? It’s nice having a bunch of new big watt badges, but I would rather have the correct results.