Lutscher course badge

But it is shown, look at my post with the pictures of the route. The blue shows the lead-in then the white the lap.


The easiest way to get this badge is a meetup. Start and end at the KOM banner. No lead-in.


I don’t think you can do that you have to select the route in the start menu. Interesting idea.

Did you test it?

Dude! It’s just another 6km of riding. Keep going until you get that lovely badge alert and bask in the glory of getting fitter.


Of course I tested it. Check out my ride from this morning (Lutscher CCW meetup).


Thanks Jim. It never occurred to me to do it in a Meetup. Nice find.

The XP awarded doesn’t seem fair for two climbs up that hill!


It hit me today as well. Great explanation on the forum here but the app experience is just plain bad UX. You shouldn’t have to guess that there’s a blue line and that there’s a lead-in to factor in. A simple fix could be to show what the lead-in distance is in the listing (multiple possibilities here) and that would solve it nicely for everyone. Right now, unless you ask or know already, there’s no easy way to tell.

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Of course I see this post after completing Lutscher and Lutscher CCW

Yea gonna get that done and the ccw too as well. Set time aside for that in view of the unstated extra 8km.

Thanks everyone and i hope for some ux ui improvements soon. Zwiftinsider is my go to now before any routes.

I have 3 different routes 2 in NYC and one in Innsbrook and never got the achievement awards. I contacted support and got email saying they would get back to me in 12 hours NEVER DID

Here’s another question about badges in general, although maybe offtopic regarding the “Lutscher”.

I did the “Tour of Tewit Well” on Yorkshire today and decided, while still riding, to go for the “Duchy Estate” badge - which is another 3 Km. I memorized the route beforehand and used the companion app to guide me.

Well, i did it 2x times in a row and it DID NOT pop up!

So what am i missing here, is this a bug or do you specifically have choose each course, ride it, end Zwift and do the next one in order to receive the badges?

Yes, Pick a course and ride it.

You must restart Zwift if you are trying to get a 2nd route badge, you can’t get 2 or more in the same ride.

And that 
 makes sense?! I don’t know. :zipper_mouth_face:

Was probably not intended when programming the badges with regard to the routes.
If Zwift however is willing to fix this, it shouldn’t require much effort it think.

i did Lutscher twice and still not getting the route badge and i the KOM twice as well.
The last time i wrote in abt not getting the quest quatch and they basically implied
sorry, u have to do it again. route was 55km but i rode 70km.
i am so gutted :frowning:

I have had to ride a few more routes over since I posted this. Zwift is getting to big and most of their support tram just plain do not give damn.

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Just done this route and it didn’t register after completion, it just started going round again, after 18.7km and 552 el gain I had to give up as late for appointment.

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Hi, there is another post about it:

Done it 30 mins ago, got the badge. Actually the route starts and finishes on the top, means you must climb the KOM twice.

It’s not an only one route with a long lead in, but here really annoying

Ride on!


This is correct and my experience today as well.

The lead in for this route takes you up the climb then the route starts when you cross the arch at the top. You then have to decend and climb again. When you reach the top the second time you’ll receive your badge.

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