Lost sprint segments during a prime point race

Did the Wobble Sprint Series (WSS) race this morning at 9:00 which is a points race

During the race it seems to have missed/ not counted a sprint section being both first across the line and fastest time points this can dramatically effects final results

Strava has picked up the segment but both Zwift and Zwift power is missing, I also think there was no finish banner during the race

is there anything that can me retrospectively done?

I’ve just had this exact issue in ZRL on Makuri islands. Did you ever get any response?

Unfortunately no.

Basically said it was down the lag and there was nothing they could do. (So I changed internet provider)

Most of the zwift support was aimed at working out why it had happened rather then adding in the primes. After a few emails became apparent was not so thing they were able to do.

May have more luck with wtrl?? :sweat_smile:

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Gonna try I busted my balls for the sprint too hit 1125w for it not to show I could have cried :joy:

Just looking at the In wtrl regulations document part 1.5 may be worth a go (good luck)

1.5. Results
Official Zwift Racing League results are published on WTRL’s website. Results are processed by WTRL
using event data directly from Zwift’s game data. If a racer encounters technical problems during the
race and believes they have finished it, and they have linked their WTRL Profile to their Strava Account,
we recommend that these racers get in touch with WTRL. We will then investigate the situation to
determine if it’s possible to retrieve their race result.
All results are provisional while any performance inquiries are investigated and marked final once all
investigations and verifications are completed.

When I had the issue the 30 second sprint turned in to a minute sprint and me wanting to throw up then got dropped coz I was surprisingly very dead so knwo how you feel