To me it seems that I am losing time somehow. In this example, I am running Zwift (latest version) on my iPhone (stable LTE connection) and using a 3h timed workout.
As you can see per the two screenshots attached:
Screenshot 1 taken after 1:45h riding
Finish in: shows 1:44h
ET: shows 1:04h
Missing time: 11ish minutes
I did take two short brakes of 5min in total where I paused and restarted the training. So from my thinking, if I stop training and restart, ET should always perfectly match to remaining time until finish of workout.
My Strava file shows 2:48h total workout time. 12min missing.
What am I missing here? This drives me crazy . Thanks for your help!
But no, I checked the workout file (which is coming from my plan at Trainingpeaks) - it is definitely a 30min block in the beginning, and also all the other blocks are correct.
This can happen when the Zwift app is backgrounded while the workout timer is still counting down. The odometer and activity time (ET) counter pause as intended, but an unpaused workout can continue counting down. I’ve flagged this up at HQ for a fix. In the meantime, this can be avoided by pausing your workout before switching apps, then unpausing when you return to Zwift.
Thank you again @Tobias_Kopp for raising this issue up and reaching out via a Support ticket.
Many thanks @Rowdy for following up and providing this explanation.
This behavior would make sense when looking at the usage of the Zwift app during my workouts. It does happen that I switch to Companion to give others kudos, or even switch to an email/messenger/discord app to answer messages during my ride.
Now I know how much time I spend not focusing on Zwift !
BTW it also seems that, when I hit pause on the app, and hit the brakes on my (Kickr) bike so really no wheel is moving anymore, it does take the app to slow down from my original speed to zero, and then it will pause (even though my virtual me is standing still already). So ET will still be counting until speed is at 0 km/h.
I’m looking forward to the fix for this. THANK YOU!
Hi there, is there a way to keep the elapsed time, drops and all of my workout counting while the app is in the background? I’m doing long zone 2 workout and I rather watch a movie in VLC than watching my avatar in Zwift. Thanks!
Hello @Guilherme_Beloto welcome to the forums! Currently, there’s no way for Zwift to run in the background on mobile devices. I’ll be happy to share your feedback internally with our developers, though.
@Rowdy, for what it’s worth this seems to go beyond any app ‘backgrounding’. I never put Zwift in the background when doing workouts on my iPad, but the ride timer seems to lose a second with nearly every workout segment.
What I find interesting, though, is that when I look at the ‘laps’ (segments) in Garmin Connect, it seems to indicate that the it’s the segments that are actually 1 second shorter. But I can tell by looking at my watch that it’s really the ride timer losing seconds.
Hi @Nigel_Tufnel ! I think what you’re describing might be a different issue, since I could recreate the images above by backgrounding Zwift during the respective workouts. Would you mind describing a bit more of the issue and how it occurs? Also, does this issue occur in both Zwift-created and custom workouts?
@Rowdy hmmmm. Interesting question. I only do custom workouts, so I don’t have a concrete answer on this. I’ll see if I can find a Zwift workout thst works for my schedule and give it a test. Stay tuned!
I don’t know why it is but when I do a 1hr workout or whatever, the main workout timer is often off by 5-20 seconds. At the end of a 1 hr workout the main timer should say 60 min. Not sure why this is not addressed. Here is an example. The workout is exactly 1 hr. 10min WU, 3x15 min intervals, 5 min cooldown. Yet at the end the clock is at 59:55.