League with Sprints and Koms

Hi guys,
i’m creating a league that it will start at the end of November.
7 races with placement score.
i would to add also Points for Sprints and Koms but i don’t understand where put this rule.
Someone can help me?

Thanks a lot

HI Marcello,

I assume you had zwiftpower admin access.

Maybe start here on zwiftpower.
Events Editing Events in ZwiftPower
series Deleting or Editing a Series in ZwiftPower
leagues Editing a League in ZwiftPower

You will need to configure the sprints and koms on each event which will be calculated into the event result.

Have a read then come back with quesitons.

did i wrong something?
because it doesn’t work with my league
i would like simply add sprint points to the placement results. Like ZRL … for example
Thank you so much

Change that drop down at the top Categories: No category enforcement to one of the points options.

Points based WKG enforcement or not enforcement.

Are you also having points for finish position?

1 Like

Thank you gordon
Yes i have also point for finish position.

This is how i use Primes…as Gordon said you need to have Points based.
I use Comma (,) for different Laps…and remember if you have Sprint or KOM in Lead-in that is your 1.


And as it’s a league you are doing you set the league points in the league section of ZP.

Whoever gets the most race points from the configuration of primes/finish in the event will get the max league points

Why do you have Cat and Mouse event setup in the top right corner?

nice question … :smiley:

yes i did it and it’s right because at the moment the final score is correct.

I changed the set with your suggestion.

i try again

you can setup the event Primes in advance for your event today and everything will be calculated as soon as the results come to ZP

Because of Cat and Mouse your order in All is confusing.

thank to you all
