Kickr Climb Belt Snap

Just an advise: Be cautious when buying/using the kickr climb for serious training. My weight is 62kg which I would assume is fairly reasonable and the internal climb belt snapped after 6 months with 3 to 6 hours weekly indoors.

I just had the same happen today. Did you get it fixed by Wahoo?

Yeah I got it replaced but I sold it right away. Gonna happen again for sure. Only had it 6 months and I am 62kg. And it isn’t so great after all.

Thanks, I’ve yet to hear from Wahoo but hopefully they fix it. Seems like this happens a a lot from what I saw in the dcrainmaker review of the product.

yeah saw that too in the comments.

Happened to me as well. They did replace it

Quick update. I don’t have the original receipt so they won’t warranty it. Wow, never really worried about that in my life, I’ve had laptops die on me w/o the receipt and they still warrantied it… Never buying Wahoo again.


I have had 2 and both belts have failed…that said I did get my money back…as I purchased them through bike 24.

Poor quality product…very disappointed.

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Yeah it’s for the 15 minute weekend rider really. Not suitable for serious riding.

I’ve had Kickr Climb for over a year and it’s worked flawlessly. Climbed enough to earn the Tron bike and recently Mount Ventoux.

I’m wondering if certain model years are more prone to issues than others - or if certain riding style (e.g standing up on bike while climbing)

I disagree. I generally ride indoors 100+ miles per week and haven’t had any issues with Kickr Climb. I think it’s a fun addition to the pain cave and makes riding on the trainer more realistic.

Maybe I’m lucky that I haven’t had any problems or maybe certain models or riding styles are more prone to damage. I ordered mine when it first came out. I don’t use a rocker plate and rarely if ever stand when riding on the trainer.

So technically you don’t disagree. Serious training includes all out standing sprints and all out standing climbing efforts on a very regular basis. Obviously sitting riding puts very limited strain on the belt.

Frequent standing sprints and climbs doesn’t mean you are doing “serious” training - it just means you are training differently. My point isn’t to start a debate about training- I think people should train whatever works best for them.

I just don’t agree that people who use Kickr Climb aren’t doing serious training. Perhaps how people are choosing to train has an impact on the lifespan of Kickr Climb.

Yeah I mean sure. Some people would call 15 minutes twice a week serious training. Question of definition I suppose but in the context of the training spectrum serious training would be 15+ hours a week (or shorter) with massive power surges (which are done standing) as per the standard training plans of trainingpeaks and others. And for this kind of stuff, the climb is not suitable.

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All, my climb belt snapped last night. It ws one of the first batch in the UK so has done quite well (I think!!). I notice the last reply here was back in July 20. Can anyone provide any further updates on what has happened between then an now? Have Wahoo acknowledged publicly the issue? Have they put anything in place to rectify the issue?


Bought my Climb in mid-February of 2021. Belt snapped 2 nights ago. Lasted 3 months or so.

Kevin I contacted Wahoo via their support contact email. They wanted some pictures and proof of purchase. And they they did the rest. I got a replacement within a few days.

Good luck


Thanks for that Steve. I’m in the middle of the replacement process with Wahoo right now. My bigger fear is that it seems like a systemic issue with those belts. And I’ll just break the next one too…

I would probably recommend getting an alternative brand. It appears the Wahoo supplied ones are not lasting as they should. If you contact a local transmission/bearing company they can probably help. There will likely be an identifying code on the belt, sometimes 3 digits and a letter which will help you get the correct one.

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My belt snapped snd wahoo wasn’t interested so I sourced a Chinese stainless steel cored belt, it came in a two meter length and after a few hours of spannering it has lasted 12 months with no hiccups and I still have spare belt in case.