Kickr Bike & Trainer resistance is non responsive in free ride [August 2021] [1.16.0]

Did two different rides today and seemed to back to normal with latest update… so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Ok 3 day after my last post…… with the latest update to zwift on Apple TV and wahoo v5 kickr issue still present…… first ride works fine and then start another ride, event, workout or meetup and no resistance and no climb working. Your work around of force quitting zwift seams to be working though. Has anyone else still having issues and zwift please advise.

Hey everyone - not sure if you all have solved your issues yet or if my experience may help. My Kickr Bike with Appletv and also an iPad has been giving almost no resistance up inclines. I tried on Fulgaz and it didn’t work there either so I started interacting with Wahoo. They told me to try doing brief workouts in the three modes on the Wahoo app (level, erg, and sim). It seemed to be working fine in their app. So I disconnected with that and went back to Zwift and it was working again.

This just happened so course I’m not sure if it will work tomorrow or even 5 minutes from now but it did actually make a difference and might be worth a shot if yours still isn’t working.

Good luck!

UPDATE: I’m 3 days out from my post and everything is still working fine.

Looks like this has broken again on Apple TV. No resistance control and just gets stuck

since the lastest update I have exactly the same problem.
I use Kickr V5 + Climb, Apple TV 4K and the Control App on an I-Pad. Furthermore the trainer does not control the resistance when you perform a training.
Zwift makes the smart trainer behave like a thumb trainer.

I cross-checked if it is an BLE or a hardware problem: No it is a Zwift problem as RGT cycling still functions without any issues.

ZWIFT should release beta updates, instead of live buggy updates. That way the users could have a better experience. :roll_eyes:

Exactly the same, and did the same with RGT - the latter works fine (didn’t restart Windows or the Kickr Core) so it must be Zwift. Worked perfectly all of 2021 until the update (in free ride mode at least)

Hi Alex,

the Update of Zwift Companion App from September, 28th fixed this bug. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Andy

The companion app has nothing to do with my issue, I think I may have misunderstood the OP.

My fault is between the BT connection on Windows Laptop and my Kickr Core. After 6 months of trouble free Free Riding, 2 of my last 3 rides have had the same end result: the resistance does not change with the gradient. The previous ride on the 14th September and all before it worked perfectly

However, three rides in a row in RGT have been flawless, including one where I just closed Zwift and opened RGT, so there was no change in the status of either the Kickr Core or the laptop

This must mean that the issue lies with the main Zwift app by process of elimination.

I did see that someone said connecting the trainer through the companion app was a workaround, but I couldn’t see this as an option in the Android app?

Hi Alex,
I got it. Your analysis seems to be logical. The only idea I can provide is to make sure that you have the latest version of Zwift app.
If you try to perform a spin down via Zwift app, you can immediately see if Kickr can receive information from the app. It could probably be a security setting of the app within windows, that information can only be transmittier in one direction.

@Andy_Lukke just wanted to say thanks for your reply - it sparked my further searching the forums and FAQs and have a workaround for my problem now.

I did misunderstand the original OP: as I had always had no problems with direct BT connection before, I didn’t realise bridging via the Companion App was a thing until a couple of posts on this forum.

All seemingly good again!

I’m am still having this issue with kickr bike and Apple TV I’m getting tilt back on hills but no resistance change

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I just changed from the original kickr trainer to the V5 thinking my resistance issues were due to old trainer with 15,000 miles on it.
But… I got the V5 and it feels exactly the same! I know I am putting upwards of 200W and this thing is telling me its 150W and so I have tried everything to get it back to normal. I cannot ride like i used to and i am terribly slow cause its like a 50w difference.
I am a B rider and it seems like at D i am struggling sometimes.

It been months it was working perflectly before an update and never again has it worked and i spent the money on the kickr v5 thinking that would solve it.

I experience resistance changes, but its super super tough compared to before.

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I downgraded my firmware (ATV and Kickr) and worked up until latest Zwift release. Same problem as before… No resistance…

Zwift if you’d like to reach out to me privately I’ll test anything you have.

Did you ever fix this @Victor_Garcia1 ?

My kickr 17 has started doing the same type of thing and was just about to replace it with a V5

It’s a 1000£ Gamble !!!

3 posts were split to a new topic: KICKR 2016 no resistance [AppleTV] [March 2022]

Same here with Kickr18! Not really feeling any kind of resistance change and even having brakes enabled during descents. Tried to do a supertuck during a descent, my avatar seems to have brakes enabled and got even slower, instantly spit out of the back of the group and almost coming to a complete halt within 100-200m, although I was coasting at a fairly high speed, trying to save some precious watts. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

January 2023 still same issue.

I’m running Kickr 2018 with most recent firmware. Running on iPad Gen 6 through Zwift. No other devices syncing with the Kickr, just the iPad.

I’ve tried all the tricks of forgetting the Kickr in the Wahoo app, forgetting my cadence sensor, etc. no sequence provides a solution to getting resistance back. Please help, Kickr QA / Devs!

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