Innsbruck and me (connectivity issues)

Today, I experienced Innsbruck for the 1st time. Unfortunately, my connection was totally unstable (my avatar would stop regularly) and it killed most of my pleasure. Is it just a coincidence (meaning the problem is all mine) or there are other cyclists in my situation?

I also noticed that the map did not appear on my iPhone. I would only see a permanent circle with the word “connecting”.

As well, since the most recent iPhone Zwift update and my Beta iOS iPhone upgrade (about a week ago for both), my Bluetooth connectivity is terrible to say the least. It takes many attempts to pair my iPhone and it keeps connecting and disconnecting while zwifting.

Any comments are more than welcomed.



There were companion app updates - both iPhone and Android as well as PC (I would think MAC too) updates.

During this mornings ride people did not see the current map until they updated.

Thank you Ray.

I have Companion version 2.4.0, I am not certain if this should be the latest.

I do know that riders had to refresh or somesuch in the app store before the update showed up.  I’m on Android,

I will ride it again tomorrow. Until then, I remain optimistic.

And by the way Ryan, you are right about having to refresh the App store because the update was not there when I looked before riding. I refreshed my App update and Companion suddenly appeared.

I have ZCA 2.3.2 (445) on iOS, and there are no updates available in the App Store, even after a refresh.

It seems that the latest version is 2.4.  I’ve heard you may need to refresh multiple times to get the update.



Refreshed about a dozen times and force quit the App Store twice. There’s no ZCA update, despite what the Zwift web page says.

The ZCA update is now available…about 28 hours late.

it was there, you likely needed to clear your phone’s cache or something