I’ve not changed my set-up
WiFi wise or the location where I train. The app used to be solid. Now it continually loses connection during rides. I’m on iOS. I notice that so few have the companion app working and the social aspect of Zwift is deteriorating and I take it that this is because so many have given up on using the companion app?
Are you referring to the icon in the Riders Nearby list that used to show when someone was using Companion? Because that disappeared a long time ago.
As for your disconnection, you say that nothing’s changed in your setup but that doesn’t preclude radio interference, channel congestion or other local issues, and also phones/tablets can end up with their wifi antennae damaged over time (e.g. through being dropped).
Have you tried basic things like rebooting your router? What sort of signal strength does your device show for wifi? Have you tried running an app to see what other routers might be contesting for the same channel(s)?
Still no event notifications. I will note that the event notification pops up if I’m actively in Companion when the time for it hits (in my case 60 minutes). iOS and yes I updated to 3.62.1.
Yes, all done and I even check for RF on 2.4 gHz around me. As for not showing other users using the companion app, when you are riding, let’s say with Coco, look to your right on the screen. The rider list. It clearly shows the few using the companion app and the fewer using steering controls.
To be fair, yesterday for the first day in a long time that the company app was anywhere near stable. I only rode for an hour and it was ok.
When you talk about the app losing conmection, are you referring to Zwift Companion? And by losing connection do you mean it stops showing you the map screen and riders nearby etc, i.e. Companion is losing its connection to your Zwift game app? Or do you mean something else?
That’s likely some sort of error in your home network, i.e. losing connectivity between your local Companion app and your local game app. Have you rebooted the routers? In the 2.4GHz space thete is typically lots of congestion and also it’s suspectible to interference from the huge range of other devices that also use the 2.4GHz spectrum (garage door.openers, microwaves, etc). Do you have the option of 5GHz?
Thanks. I’ve done everything. I noticed yesterday, that on a very large Coco ride, so few had the Companion app operating. Fortunately it was pretty stable for me yesterday.