I am invisible for a follower/friend

I Zwift on ATV. My friend swift on an old iPad. When we ride together, I see him, but I am invisible to him (both the avatar and on the list on the right side). Do you have any tips for us to change that?

Hi @Geoffroy_Guilbault, are you on a Wattbike perhaps?


Or a Kickr bike?


I am on a Tacx Neo2T. Before using the old iPad, my friend was using an old pc. He was seeing me then. I don’t know if the problem is with him or with me…

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This happened to me a few weeks ago on a Hammer Cycleops. We both signed up for race together but my friend never showed up. Well, I thought maybe he couldn’t make it , something came up, but later he made a video of his race and there we were riding side by side. He could see me the entire race, both my avatar and in the rider list but I didn’t see him at all. I guess what we see on our local screens in not reality since Zwift is not solely driven off of their servers but pushed down to our local machines.

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I have exactly this and during workouts I am at bottom of leaderboard but in graphic in group, very frustrating…

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Something to know about Meetups - if someone shows up late - they may not be inside the meetup bubble (if that Meetup is using Race mode).

Late joiners can see everyone inside the bubble, but those inside the bubble may not see the late joiners. If you’re the one creating the Meetup - there’s a Meetup-only View setting that will render everyone outside your bubble invisible.

Here’s an FAQ about Meetups that might help.

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In my case it was a race not a meetup.

Phew thought it was only me

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Yes has been happening to me all week and I’m on a kickr, same one for over a year. Very frustrating!!! Can’t see friends but am visible to them. Can’t see them in a private meetup, and can’t ‘join a friend’ to ride. Let’s hope they resolve this soon!

I am on a Kick’r bike. My training partner is on a TTbike on her wahoo kick’r. I created a meet up for 21 miles this morning. She could see me (and the yellow beacon) but she was completely invisible to me. It shows we rode together on Strava. But she was completely invisible - her name was not a the leader board and I could not see her avatar. At the end of the ride, when you bring up the details, it did not even show I rode with her. Bug in the Zwift program?