How to report suspicious rider accounts?

Does anyone know how to report a suspicious zwift account?

It looks like a bot has been placed in the weekly ZRacing races which seems to have effected the race time/pace… by sitting on the front the whole race at 5w/kg…

I was in the race on Monday and it happened, looking at the account of said rider, it looks like it’s been in a number of the ZRacing races which would have done the same …

I would imagine someone in the race is using it to improve the time of that person to beat the competition on the gc?

The race on Monday, after some chit chat, the front group agreed to let the bot go and stop drafting it as it felt like cheating … can someone look into this or tell me how to report it?

I’m only reporting as i dont want to see zwift races turn into non-events

The rider in question came first in our race on monday, account name ‘Christijn Gerrits’.


You can also coordinate with other participants to flag the rider during the event via the Companion app.

Keep in mind that bot operators may be using throw-away accounts so even if Zwift takes action in a specific case, the lack of real-time automated detection combined with allowing trial accounts to join races means a determined person can easily repeat it.

Thank you, form submitted

Bear in mind that Bot power profiles are generally flat.
Power and cadence for this user possibly suggest ZPower rider.

The activity seems extremely uncharacteristic of any human, riding on the front of the race the whole time, not dropping below a certain w/kg, no HR or ZP accounts… whatever/whoever it is, its extremely suspicious!

zPower riders do have a really weird power profile, and if they selected an unsupported trainer, their power would be capped at 400W. But it’s easy to ID zPower riders because there will be no lightning bolt next to their W/kg in the riders nearby list, AND this month for the first time they were excluded from the ZRacing events. However there are still riders on rubbish spin bikes that invent power numbers, and they can have a similar effect.