Help getting all my Apple stuff to work together with Zwift

I bought a Saris M2 trainer (I’ve already been told it’s not the best, but this post isn’t about that) recently and I’m trying to get it to work together with my Apple gear - Apple TV 4K, iPhone Xs, Watch 4. Everything has been recently updated to most current software revs.

If I use Zwift on my iPhone, it seems to work correctly. It talks to the trainer, and (generally) talks to my watch, although occasionally it’s a little flaky on heart rate. It also writes to Apple Healthkit as expected. It doesn’t record distance to Apple health, I’m not sure if it should.

I also installed the Zwift companion app on my phone. It never asked me about connecting to apple healthkit, including after reinstalling it. I also tried deleting the app, restarting my phone, and reinstalling it, same result - it’s not asking to write to AHK and in Settings->Health->Data Access & Devices, I see Zwift but not the companion app. According to this - Heart Rate Monitors - it should be requesting access?

So any suggestions as to getting this all working together? Ideally I would like Zwift running on the Apple TV, companion on the iphone, talking to the trainer and my watch, and not having the TV talk to anything other than the companion app. I think(?) that’s the “right” way to do it?

  • Run Zwift on AppleTV.
  • Run the Companion on your iPhone.
  • On the AppleTV pairing screen, in the upper left corner, select the “Pair with Zwift Companion”
  • Pair everything you need/want.

I don’t have an Apple watch, so I cannot help you with that.

Here are some links you might find helpful:

compliments of @GPLama :