heart rate help

hey guys and girls,


 I have a question i have a wahoo element bolt computer i used when zwifting. along with there HR strap as well… everything was working great id use the app and everything would connect. my kickr trainer, my PM and that as a cadaence meter as well… as of last week everything works besides my HR strap won’t  connect? anyone have any tips

Without know what HRM you are using (I am guessing the Wahoo Tickr) it would be hard to help you troubleshoot.

If it is a Wahoo Tickr, pull the battery and put in back in upside down for a short time and flip it back to normal. Doing this should reset it. You should also make sure the strap is clean and when you have the battery out you could clean all the connections inside with an alcohol wipe, but make sure it is dry before putting in back together.

And what is the device that the heart rate monitor won’t connect with (Bolt; Zwift on PC, Mac, iOS, or Apple TV; iOS or Android Zwift Companion App), and over what protocol (ANT+ or Bluetooth)?

Easiest first step?

Wet the strap. See if it connects.  Often, it makes all the difference. 

If not, then try the battery.



Hi Cory,

Zwift is not compatible with bike computers (like your ELEMNT BOLT GPS Bike Computer) or any other devices that only receive data yet. Zwift reads data, but doesn’t transmit it back. Likewise, these devices do not transmit data for Zwift to receive.

Also, I checked your account and it looks like your Wahoo TICKR is paired now with your Apple TV. So all good, I presume. Thanks!

Ride On!