Haptic Feedback Enabled for Zwift Play [June 2023]

Hello Zwift Play owners:

This week, we’re enabling haptic feedback for your Zwift Play controllers on macOS, Windows, iOS, and Apple TV devices. You’ll now feel your controllers vibrate when you return a Ride On, brake, ride over boost strips and hazards in Repack Rush, use power-ups, and more.

We’re rolling out this feature out in stages starting today to a portion of Zwift Play controllers. If you’re not buzzing right away - don’t worry. Over the next few days, we’ll increase rollout to all of them.

To disable Play haptics: If you have Play controllers paired to the game, you can go to Settings, and in the main Preferences tab, locate the “Controller Haptic” setting where you can select On or Off as shown in the image below. Note that you’ll only see this setting if you have Play controllers paired.

Haptics are coming to Android coming soon!

Give us your feedback here about haptic feedback!

Cool stuff. My favorite haptics are for Powerup and Braking.

The only oddity I’ve noticed is that the braking haptic only occurs when I brake with the right controller. Left controller shows a brake light and my rider slows, but no haptic.

Also: I’d still love to feel what Zwift could do with haptics for various surfaces, like little bumps when we ride over a wooden bridge!


Is there a way to turn this off?

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:grin::rofl: exactly

Yes - Haptics can be disabled in Settings. I’ll grab a screenshot and we’ll update the parent post.


To disable Play haptics: If you have Play controllers paired to the game, you can go to Settings, and in the main Preferences tab, locate the “Controller Haptic” setting where you can select On or Off as shown in the image below. Note that you’ll only see this setting if you have Play controllers paired.


great - don’t worry i’ll have a look next time i’m in game :slight_smile:

Glad haptic feedback can be turned off as the vibration from ride ons etc would get annoying as you can see these in screen

Totally agree. I never really liked the Tacx Neo implementation of “road feel”. While novel, it always felt a little unnatural to me. You feel vibrations in the handlebars not from vibrating your rear axel through the bike. Zwift Play controllers are literally in the perfect position to deliver.

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Well I’m glad this can be disabled, as having them vibrate for something like ride ons is absolutely the last thing I would want to happen.


but thats how it would feel if you went over cobbles/boards etc

They don’t vibrate from Ride Ons received, FYI. That’s incorrect info in the original post @shooj.

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Haptics for Braking and Deploying a Power Up sound good… I hope @Eric_Schlange_ZwftIn is correct (and it stays correct) that Ride On’s don’t trigger haptic vibrations as I’d switch the feature off if this was the case.

Obviously, it would ultimately be great, in the option menu, to have the choice to turn on/off which elements you get haptic feedback for individually - as some people may have different preferences. :+1:

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Corrected! Thanks

Update: Play Haptics are now enabled for 50% of devices on macOS, iOS, tvOS, and Windows.

(Why not Android yet? We’re working through an issue with haptics on Android which we’re planning to release in an upcoming game release; once that issue is resolved we’ll be rolling out Haptics for all Android Play controllers as well.)

Does Zwift play Haptic feedback work with Tacx roadfeel haptic feedback enabled?

This is not showing up in my settings menu. I have the latest update according to the companion app and Zwift launcher.


Are the Play controllers powered on and paired to the Zwift game app? The Zwift Settings menu is context-aware, and will not show you the Haptics on/off switch if it doesn’t detect controllers are paired.

Yup they are connected. I have been using them for a week and can use all the functions. Just the haptic part isn’t working.

I confirmed the reason - we’re still at 50% rollout per Evan’s post upstream.

We appreciate your patience over the July 4 US holiday weekend.