Garmin sensors Not being picked up

Any idea why my garmin cadence and speed sensor not being picked up

Which Garmin sensors and what is the device you are running Zwift on?

More info is needed.

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android phone just the normal Garmin cadence and speed sensor

There are different models of the Garmin Speed and Cadence sensors. One is ANT+ only and the other is dual band.

Which Android phone?

Also, have you checked out this thread: ANT+ Update


duel sim Mi 9T

Is the speed sensor this one: Garmin Speed Sensor 2 | Bike

No idea, I had the speed sensor a while but never used it. change the battery and thats good. - The sendor are p[icked up on the 820 edge

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OK, I am trying to find the thread that states what needs to be installed on an Android phone to using ANT+ with Zwift.

I am guessing you have the older Garmin Speed Sensor that is ANT+ only.

Looks like :frowning:

I’m also having problems connecting garming gear to work with zwift. I have tried different combinations Iphone 11 with garming 935 for HR on broadcasting mode, didnt recognize it. change to the band which also has dual Ant+ plus BlU and didnt work (both watch and garming computer pick the band no problem), swiched the iphone and started zwift on the Appletv the whoo trainer is picket no problem by both iphone and Appletv but none are able to pick HR sensor or cadence sensors from garmin. Any ideas?

Which HRM are you referring to? The 935 broadcast HR in real-time using ANT+ and Zwift on iOS is Bluetooth only.

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thank you Paul, ok if 935 brodacast HR is ANT+ only that is the reason it does not work but i have tried also wearing the actual Garmin band

What Garmin chest strap? ONLY the Garmin Dual HRM can broadcast HR in both ANT+ and Bluetooth (talking chest straps here).

you are correct HRM strap that comes with the 935 bundle only comes with ANT+ and not with bluetooth.

what is my solution here ? buy all new garmin accessories for HR and cadence that are Bluetooth? question if i do that an buy new will the Appletv or iphone will be able to pick the multiple bluetooth devices signals coming in? smart trainer, garmin HR, cadence sensor all via Bluetooth to iphone or appletv? thanks

You can bridge ANT+ to Bluetooth using NPE CABLE or the 4iiii Viiiiva HRM.

You can also bridge additional Bluetooth devices using the Zwift Companion App if needed.

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Thanks Paul,
I downloaded the Zwift companion app but havent been able to figure out how is it that work with the main zwift application to pick the other signals

The Zwift Companion App connects to the main Zwift App over your local network.

In the settings of the ZCA go to Device Connection and make sure it is turned on.

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Hi Paul! We really need to report those screenshots.
Here’s the thread