I can not get my Garmin heart rate monitor strap to sync to my iPhone. Searched forums and can’t locate the answer. Please assist
Which Garmin HRM? Most are ANT+ only and Zwift on iOS is Bluetooth only.
Did you replace batteries recently? I’ve had this problem before. You need to short out the terminals to completely power it down before putting in a new battery. I do this by just reversing the battery for three seconds to clear the charge.
Paul’s response is spot on.
Currently only 2 Garmin HRMs broadcast in Bluetooth on top of ANT+, the Garmin Dual and Garmin Pro. All other Garmin HRMs only broadcast over ANT+ and iPhones are only capable of Bluetooth connections.
Brand new monitor and it syncs to my garmin watch.
Really, I thought it was connecting to the iPhone via bluetooth. So did I understand the other post that if I use my Mac it will sync?
You never mention which Garmin HRM you have. But unless it is either the Garmin Dual or Garmin Pro it still won’t connect to a computer unless you buy an ANT+ dongle. Computers don’t support ANT+ natively, only sports watches and cycling head units have built in ANT+ (and some android devices).
If you tell us which Garmin HRM you have we can give you more detailed information on how to get it to run with Zwift.
It’s also possible, depending if you have a Garmin Watch (depending on the model), it may be able to broadcast your heart rate via Bluetooth to Zwift. But again we would need to know which model watch it is to assist you further.