Game Update v1.82 [January 2025]

Will the PC application be recognizable by Nvidia software for computer performance tuning at any point?


It is frightening that there are two different icons for one and the same value. :thinking: :man_facepalming:

You scare too easily.


That’s been like that for a long time.

I’m not sure it’s a bug to be fixed.

I’m intrigued as to why there’s a difference though.

The riding icon used to be the same as the running one.
People complained, and it was changed in October, game version 1.77

For riding only, though.

The %-looking icon is pretty new, only a few months. And rotating it so it doesn’t look like a % is even more recent.

17th September according to my stats. Not long after the big HUD refresh.

I’m ambivalent to both to be fair but can see why some would think it looks like a % symbol.

Hi everyone. Please update at your earliest convenience.

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Kickr Core, connects fine, but does not work :angry:

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Hi Markus, welcome to the forums. Can you expand on your issue for us to give some possible solutions? What are you connecting to, and how (bluetooth, ant+)? Does it work if you connect to the Wahoo app and do a spindown calibration?

Wahoo recommends against a spin down calibration unless there are specific issues with the KICKR CORE. The question here is what isn’t working? Is the device not connecting? Is it failing to adjust resistance? Solutions are different for either situation.

oh yes, it has auto-spindown now when you coast.

I have a couple of apps unrelated to Zwift that have to be toggled on and off at odd times. One’s a file manager and the other a VPN.

Running macOS 15.1.1 on two machines: an M1 2022 iMac and a 2023 M2 mac mini.

Oh ratz! I mean! Just what I needed. Now at the worst possible moment, I will be required to delete all the data from my device, then go back to the App Store where it won’t accept my input. So I have to redo my WiFi connection and then reinstall the App Store, then reinstall the app and hope I can get signed in. Then it’s still going to mess with me connecting my devices. The screen shows all devices connected. Then it flashes and maybe it shows something else like, you have to connect devices to continue.
AND if you have ever tried to use my remote with my shaky old hands, you’re probably not going to blame zwift. The tv came with a normal old style remote. Where did it go? The thing I have is super sensitive. Talk into it? I don’t think it understands American. It may understand English, but I don’t speak English!

Would be nice to add avg speed, and avg W/kg for the rides duration to the heads up display… or even the top display. Much more useful then just instantaneous.


IMHO, speed and average speed are nonsense in Zwift.
I just did Stage 3 of TdZ on The Magnificent 8 with an average speed of 25MPH.
IRL I’ve never had an average speed that fast, and probably never will unless it’s a 1 minute ride downhill.


Zwift definitely makes some assumptions that enables people to go faster than they would outdoors (no wind, probably better cDA than most folks can hold over full rides, perfect road condition, glowing mega bikes etc…). But in massive events such as TdZ it’s compounded by how easy it is to sit in with 50 or more people right in front of you where outdoors you’d need to keep feathering your brakes etc. to maintain your position rather than just keep pedaling).

In real life events if you’re drafting in a massive peleton like you do in Zwift you’d also go pretty quickly at a low power, but it’s so much easier to do that in Zwift than in any real life ride.

I was looking back on my last large group fondo this year (where I try my best to sit in the pack), it was pretty flat, and my best 50km was on average 40km/hr which is roughly 25mph. I wasn’t pushing a lot of power, but you can keep a pretty solid pace in a big pack IRL and what TdZ does is make that big pack super easy to have for the entire ride.


The brightness flashing dark kits/bib shorts is still active in this version BTW.


Thanks, we have this on our radar. We’re going to update the running % icon to match the cycling icon in an upcoming update.

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Doesnt do a good job with compensating for weight going downhill, or on flat ground. In the real world if your going down a steep grade, and you weigh 100kg… even if you dont peadal youre going to go much faster then someone who weighs 60kg doing the same… for example. Its all based on W/Kg, even on a flat surface. Works well for uphills though. very realistic. The disadvantages on inclines for heavy people should be somewhat compensated downhill.