Game Update - September 3rd, 2020

Here are some scenarios…let’s say you use a workout file or join a group ride to warm up before a race…you’re pedaling along and get prompted to join your race. You click ‘join’ and are taken to the pen. When that race is over and you go to save, the name of that race will not show up. It will default to the name of the workout file or group ride because of a glitch that we’ve lived with and has never been fixed.
If you want to get a route badge but aren’t sure which ones you have or need. You have to go into the game and start riding to look at your badges. If you need to change routes, you’d then have to exit Zwift and log back in just to choose a new route to get that badge.
Also, If you use the one click ‘join’ and ‘stay here’ options to go from warm up to your event and back to a cold down, it doesn’t allow you to change the name of your files or upload any pictures you’ve taken during each portion.
Some of these may not be a big deal to people. But the fact that it simply doesn’t work the way it should and hasn’t ever been addressed shows a lack of interest by Zwift in doing things ‘the right way’ for the community.


We (our racing group) have seen a significant number of game crashes, all in the vicinity of Petit KOM. I have 3 happen today - which on a planned 100km+ ride was not ideal.

Using Windows 10 with Ant+. Have never had a crash prior to today. Swapped World to watopia and no crashes, seems to just be on France. Given we ran a race of Casse-Pattes this weekend, we had quite a few dusgruntled people.

If you can add any information to this thread, it will hopefully help Zwift track down the problem -

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OK another useless update that introduces another bug but bring nothing useful to the table.

Cannot save and start another ride without exiting and restarting a painfully slow program
Cannot access 90% of options without actually starting a ride
Cannot access event and course menu
Can complete a ride

Cannot save and start another ride without exiting and restarting a painfully slow program
Cannot access 90% of options without actually starting a ride
Cannot access event and course menu
Cannot complete a ride without a crash



I only have a single Zwift file, not a duplicate. But every crash was on France. I risked it and worked out on Ventoux this morning, over an hour without crashing. I saved my ride at the top rather than risk losing all data on the downhill.
I guess maybe I will ride Watopia until a fix patch can come from Zwift.

However, I tried one more time on the Rapha 100 and crashed after an hour for crash #3 since the update. I don’t know what other “info” you mean? Just that it is a known bug?
File Screenshot

Thanks, hadn’t spotted it.

Zwift was launched to the public on October 30, 2015. I think to mark the 5-year anniversary of the company, customers should pledge a Day Without Zwift. The purpose is to remind company leaders that the community is the product and they need to stop ignoring our feedback and taking us for granted.


Let’s make it November 3rd and all go vote instead of riding on Zwift, in the US at least.


Sorry Jose, but i am not sure i understand what you mean… The question above was why certain people don’t respect the advertised pace on group rides. Christian answered that in his case it is because he is sometimes looking for group rides with a bit higher pace. The discussion was not related to any specific feature.

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Since update have had some trainer drop outs and also when saving a ride zwift crashes.

Anyone else?

Trouble is they already have our money in monthly subs, so a quiet day on Zwift means very little. I do like the collective action idea though - boycotting a sponsored event might work.


Whoosh? :thinking:

It is easy to suspend payment for a month but unfortunately, the masses won’t. There are other platforms that can be used to keep training going but people are too afraid of not racking up their drop, miles or whatever ■■■■ they are collecting. It is a pity though because something like that would at least get zwift talking. They have zero support and no feedback. When in the history of mankind did you last come across a company that just ignores top user requests and also refuses to communicate about it sensibly?


@wes @shooj

Hi guys

Not sure what timezone you are in. Would it be too much to ask for a response to all the posting about crashes over the weekend?


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@shooj I’ve been having connection issues too. Need to connect my Kickr core and garmin cadence sensor to Mac app via companion app. Since update, it’s not even recognising my cadence sensor anymore (I have changed the battery and my head unit still recognises it fine).

I have made sure the cadence sensor isn’t paired to my Phone. I have turned off every other device it could connect to. It’s more accurate than using my Kickr for cadence so it’s really annoying that I can’t connect to it.

My Kickr also dropped out multiple times today too. Never had these issues pre-update.

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Yes. Definitely. Kickr dropping out and can’t even connect to my Garmin cadence sensor anymore.

Actually there was a tweet early this morning (UK time)…



Just checked on the forum profile and @Wes and @shooj are both in California - which means they are on holiday today (Labor Day in the US).

Could I respectively suggest that software updates aren’t done on a Friday let alone one before a long weekend for the software/support team? And if you guys are having a holiday then you get some cover?

Did the “update just before the weekend” rationale come by any chance from the good old days when most people IRL were out on their bikes at the weekend rather than on Zwift?


I restarted my mac after the update. The connection issues seems to be resolved.


Time gaps should not depend on distance at all. You calculate a time gap by the time difference between when a lead rider crossed a point and when a trailing rider crossed the same point.

There is a common misconception time gap is affected by rider speed, for example whether riders are climbing or descending. Distance is affected by this (RGT) but time gap should not be.

Clearly Zwift doesn’t calculate time gaps properly.

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