Game Update 1.29 [September 2022]

That’s totally doable in a season correct? Let’s use km as a guide since anyone who is really trying to level up would want to use km instead of miles. It’s 20xp per km, that’s 12,500km to go from 50-60, I personally ride 800km/mo when I’m using zwift between October and may, but some people use Zwift year round and put in a lot more hours than I do, so those folks will get to 60 in a season. There are also double xp events and new route badges which will be double xp etc.

I’ve been on Zwift since 2015 and am only level 43.

I for one will never have to worry about the level cap or whether my XP gets reset. :rofl:

Yeah, but the people who are complaining about no levels past 50 (the people this change will immediately benefit), are not the people doing low km/month :slight_smile:

Oh the other thing I forgot to mention is for the people who are already way over level 50 (the people who’ve been asking for this change for some time), they will be accruing XP at double rate until their bank of XP has dried up, so for folks with a huge bank of XP it is much more likely they will be hitting the level cap well ahead of end of the season.

In the extreme example: Someone who already had the XP to get to L60 banked would take only 6,250km to get to 60 with no need for double XP events, no TT bikes to get XP, and not including double XP for new routes. These folks will definitely be asking for more levels before this time next year :slight_smile:

Wowza! Maybe I need to get outside more. It only took me 15 months to get to level 50! :man_facepalming:


I started end jan 2021 zwifting. Last week i hit the level wall lvl 50. In max. 10/11 month i will reach the lvl60 wall… It make no sense to limit levels.

Any ETA for 1.29.1? Going to be ready for that 3rd workout early next week…

Ok, here’s my take on this. I know I’m discussed by Zwift HQ whenever new levels raises it’s head, but I also realise I’m an outlier, which brings into play the question of who do you cater for, the “normal” rider or the people riding a lot of km - it’s always going to be hard to please both. Do you stretch out the levelling up to please those riding a lot, or keep levels achievable to the new rider?
Firstly…I have “loaned” Zwift 5miilion xp. BTW…are Zwift making interest on all this loaned xp???
TBH the system of being given it back over time at double xp doesn’t bother me overly, presuming it’ll carry on beyond L60 to get me back my full 5miilion. TBH xp are not exactly doing anything else for me (we have drops for that). TBH I think it’s possibly one of the better ways to handle those already at L50. I think any solution was always going to be a little clunky.
It may or may not be the best way, but I’m not against it. It is nice to be seeing the bar move again & earning new levels. If I was just “given” L60 it would be a little disappointing I think. I’ll get there soon enough anyway.
Comparisons have been made with MMORPG’s but I think Zwift is a little different. With the typically continual use by many I think an upper limit is less necessary. Zwift is not typically a “game” that you “complete” for many.
Ideally, we wouldn’t have quite got here. I think the best solution (for me) if we started again from day 1 of Zwift levelling would be to not limit upper levels with a cap (ie L25, then L50, now L60), but to make them continue ad infinitum in an exponential curve. I would not expect unlocks/prizes every level, but maybe every 5 or so. Heck, I’d even accept no unlocks/prizes than an upper limit tbh! Maybe this could be something considered moving forward?
Ok, back to it. I got an orange bar to move!


Is there any way we can use drops to buy put options on Tim’s future XP points?


I’m with you on this, when you get to the higher levels you’ll have plenty of drops to buy stuff if you want.


Yep, I agree. I’m sure we suggested this 6 or 7 years ago when people first started hitting the level cap.

The current system of rewards every level could remain for those levels we’ve got so far, no need to change that.

But from 60 onwards rewards could be offered every 5 or 10 levels to reduce the design burden and lower potential competition with the Drop Shop.

They could be reduced just to key level jerseys even. The old level jerseys were cool when there was almost no one at level 15 or 20. They’re less of a badge of honour now, but imagine seeing a rider with that level 70 jersey for example, or heck, level 100. They’d be few and far between, and prestigious in their own right.

There could be variations of the same jersey for intermediate levels, even if that’s just 70 being a new jersey, 75 being the same jersey with 75 on it, then 80 being a new jersey. I dunno, but I’m sure Zwift could come up with a way that they only need to produce a small number of special items, but have them (automatically?) enhance in between as an incremental reward.

Jerseys are just one suggestion, but it could be anything. Special paint jobs for bikes could be fun, although maybe licensing precludes that.


Is there any way to organize the custom workouts in alphabetical order, like before? Duration snd intensity and not enough as filters.

When/how is this supposed to work?
I put the fire socks on, and then I grabbed 3 green jerseys going all in, without burning anything…
Do I have to be on a specific bike? (I tried changing to Spec Venge S-works instead of Tron, but I couldn’t see any difference)

PS. My XP has dropped to 500k, but there’s no symbol indicating that I’m earning double XP either (I saw someone post a screenshot from the home screen with some 2x or double arrow symbol, but there’s nothing like that…). Did all those XP just disappear and is that a bug?

I discovered today the fire socks burn the road, or better said, you leave a fire trail when you sprint. I was on the TRON bike in Watopia. I saw someone else do it and asked about it in the chat because I had the socks on yesterday in London and never saw any fire over the course of five sprints :man_shrugging: But today, toward the end of my ride I tried it a couple times, and both times I left a trail of fire​:fire: :smile:


Shows when you do 1.5x FTP, for up to 12secs.

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You do a wheelie for 5 seconds if you do 2x FTP for 12 seconds and bunny hop if you can do it for 24 seconds


new font doesnt look good on ATV, please change to a better non proportional one, or give an option.

Yeah, they’re great. A fine example of the sort of thing I mean.

If Zwift are going to add cool things like that every 10 levels or something, then smashing.

im getting 40 p per km on this ride

what is the point of more levels ? do we get more socks ?