I recently finished Zwift Academy and PR all three segments of my Finish Line Ride. The last segment I PR by 37 seconds. When I received my Finish Line Ride report, all of my w/kg numbers were all the same as my baseline ride, meaning Zwift didn’t actually update my times for each segment before sending out the email. Can this be corrected, and a proper report issued? Thanks.
Same here. Same values as baseline ride in the email. Got the good numbers on my Strava account for the 3 segments so I can at least compare.
All my w/kg numbers were up from the Baseline ride, as expected (I set PRs on all 3 segments)
Same. Checked the numbers in Zwift Power, sprints & KOMs tab for the ride, but the final ride email shows the numbers for the baseline ride
Same, Finishline email data references Baseline data.
How long do you have to wait for the email?
It was about 36 hours for mine.
Yeah, I had the same issue. My finish line ride email did come in, but it looks like it didn’t update the w/kg from the second ride (at least for the longest segment which is the one that changed the most).
Yep! Same issue here.
Yep, all the same for me despite knocking 3 minutes off the last segment.
In your email from Zwift with your wrong finish line numbers, go to the very bottom and click “view in browser”. Mine were correct there. Hope this helps!!
Thanks, that worked for me.
I had tried the View in Browser link yesterday and it was the same as in the email (basically showed the baseline ride numbers). But tried again this morning and now the View in Browser shows my updated numbers from the finish line ride. So it apparently takes a bit of time to sort itself out.