If my workout gets interrupted for some reason. Could be a phone call, the dog entering the room, My gf coming into to ask me a question, A package delivery. Whatever the reason, if I forget to hit pause it’s basically game over for my work out. Nothing will get ERG to turn back on. No amount of time spent riding at the target wattage + cadence will get it it to kick back on. Neither will riding over target. After about 10 minutes I end up frustrated and end up quitting the ride.
I don’t believe it signal issue or trainer issue. It happily stays in ERG mode and no unexpected drop outs. Only happens if I stop and forget to pause. Most of the time I do remember to pause but ■■■■ happens and I forget at least once a week making this issue pretty obnoxious
Welcome to the forums. I’m Haziel from Zwift. Thank you for sharing your concern about the ERG mode. I know how important this is to reach your fitness goals, I will be happy to help.
When you stop pedaling during a workout, Zwift interprets this as a sign that you might be struggling to complete the interval. As a result, it switches from ERG mode to Bailout mode, which puts you at a neutral resistance level. Your trainer will remain in Bailout mode until you manage to maintain the interval target for about 5-10 seconds or until the interval concludes, at which point ERG mode will reactivate.
In case you need more assistance, I will share this article about ERG Mode Troubleshooting which may offer some helpful insights.
I hope this information helps you. If the issue continues, please feel free to contact us.
I’m maintaining the interval target for well over 10 seconds (several minutes) and it’s not kicking back on. Even if I maintain the interval target for many minutes, ERG still will not re-engage.
I understand why it’s turning off, I also understand that it’s supposed to kick back on once the interval target is maintained for 10 seconds, what I’m telling you is that it is not doing what you claim it is supposed to. It doesn’t matter how long I maintain the interval target, it will not kick back on. The only thing that gets ERG to turn back on is restarting the exercise.