Elite Suito power readings

Wow, I went with all the good reviews and the good price I could get when I bought the Suito a month ago. 550€ with cassette seemed incredible value for such a well-received trainer…

Latest Firmware installed (191), hardware revision 004 (also last one if I’m correct?)

I first had issues with sufferfest and the Suito - using it with a BT connection to an ipad proved to be completely unreliable. Then I started to question the watt readings it gave me. Either I was not in good shape, or the values were wrong.

Tested today with a power2max crank pm connected to my garmin. And the Suito connected to Zwift on my laptop. Then compared both with the DC rainmaker tool.

At 100W, they are identical, at 200W about 3% of difference (which should be the case with drivetrain losses in mind). The higher values are a mess…

10% too low @450W

20% too low @750W (edit: difference is 26% in the last interval …)

As I read from earlier posts, Elite asks to test the trainer at 100-350W, but apparently the really high values are the problem. They can hardly ask anyone to do a 1min test @900W of course…
Anyway, from what I read here I have little faith in a decent solution. I was hoping to be able to combine indoor and outdoor training (with PM), but the large gap between the suito and the power2max make it hardly useable for that purpose. And for racing on zwift…

I hope the shop will take it back… If not, I really hope Elite comes out with a decent solution…

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