DQ'ed for "WKG" in ZRacing Stage

Any info on what would cause a DQ here? The race is category enforced, and I entered as a C and still am a C after the race. My average w/kg was 3.1.

My only guess is that I got DQ’ed because 95% of my 20 minute power was 3.203 (come on really, ha). This also happened to me a few days ago on a Saris NoPinz Nightcap race. I’m happy to abide by the rules, but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong when the only feedback is “WKG”.

Better screenshots of results with table header:

It’s because it seems the race was setup with “categories enforce w/kg boundary” which is not how it should have been setup. This is the old system which would DQ you for exceeding the very old w/kg limits for 20 minutes.

This text appears (in a very light grey on white background) next to the category start times under the route profile on the ZP event page.

5 people in your race were DQed for the same thing.

It seems all the ZRacing races have been setup with categories enforce w/kg boundary. Compare to any of the other Zwift races like Crit Racing or Hill Climb where the text isn’t there on the ZP page.

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As Aoi says looks like they have been setup to enforce w/kg although i’m 99% sure this is just a mistake as when events are created this is on by default.

Likely be fixed later today. fingers crossed.

These should all be fixed now. My mistake.