Double XPs to level 96

Zwift says that I should be getting double XPs to level 96. I am at level 90 and every ride I have been credited with only 32 XPs per mile. In level 89 I got 62 XPs per mile.

Any idea what is going on?

Asked this a few days ago in the general section and got no real answer.

This confused me as well. I don’t think it’s double XP. although strange you said you got 62 XP before. Are you sure of this?

Tracking Your Rider Score and XP still talks about double XP is that reight @shuji

Yes. If you exceeded the XPs before the expansion of levels Zwift gave you double XPs when the levels were increased from 60 and then 100 so that you only needed the XP count new users needed. They only added 32 XPs to you total XPs but subtracted 64 XPs from the XPs needed to advance to the next level. Zwift tells me I should get double XPs through level 96.

For some reason when I hit level 90 Zwift has only subtracted 32 XPs per mile from amount needed to get to the next level instead of the 64 the game says I should get.

I’ll need to compare if they are doing it that way or like the 20% discount and taking if off the XP requirements for next level.

One think i know though is like you i’m not visibly getting double XP

You need 481,000 XPs to reach level 90 or about 16,000 miles. I currently have over 27,000 miles. Level 100 is 591,000 XPs or about 19,700 miles. The doubling was suppose to make it easier to get to the next level for people like me with excess XPs but not automatically advancing you to were your XPs said you earned. My extra XPs were earned when level 50 was the highest level and I continues to earn XPs but no new levels were available.

Level 90 is 657,000
Level 100 is 807,000

Do you still have the 3 chevrons?
what is your xp at?

Currently at 933,779 XPs.

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I just leveled up to 95.

Lifetime XP 1218385 with triple chevrons which should in theory give me double XP plus 20% discount.

I see the 20% discount as XP to next level is 12356 (500 streak bonus and a few k past the level today

Thought i’d then ride another k just to check it was not adding the double and see it has. On screen shows as +20xp but my xp to next level is now 12316 so that appears to be right

I just checked again. Rode one mile and only 32XPs were subtracted from miles to net event.

Funny also the my doubling changed from through level 96 to through level 93. I have the raised horse on the XP status bar.

Can anyone tell me what is happening?

this is the best you’ll get for an explanation

My mistake. I have a bicycle doing a wheelie above the XP points.

That has nothing to do with not getting the correct XP points.

I guess you didnt read the article then… heres the part you need:

Accelerated Leveling

Every time the topic of XP and levels pops up, questions about accelerated leveling are sure to follow. This is even more true this week, with the accelerated leveling indicators disappearing and XP requirements changing for most of the levels in the game!

So I’m just going to point you to this post, which has an “accelerated leveling” section that explains exactly how it works. At this point, I’ve learned to point people there, because if you can’t figure out the math from that post’s explanation, my explaining it to you personally probably won’t work either. (You can also read Zwift’s description of accelerated leveling, if you’d like.)

The nice thing is, like the internals of whatever device you’re reading this on, accelerated leveling works just fine, even if you don’t understand it. Each time you earn XP, the system does the math to get you to higher levels a bit more quickly. You just need to Ride On.

with two or three chevrons?

So finally got the answer from Zwift support. They no longer double the XPs to the next level. Instead they reduce the total XPs needed for the next level. Same effect but a hard answer to find.

You might be right but it’s not the way it was working a few weeks ago

I’ve also lost my double xp for some reason despite being way above 100 level XP. time to raise a ticket i think.
It could be right re-reading how they decide if you get double XP is so stupid that is only applies to XP earned while at level 60 rather than all the XP above the new level requirement.

“For example, if you had earned 850,000 XP and were on level 60 when we rebalanced the XP values and added more levels you remained on level 60. If level 60 required 750,000 XP and now requires only 310,500 XP, you had 439,500 XP remaining. You had also earned 100,000 additional XP. We used this difference in XP of 439,500 to discount the XP you need to earn to reach your next levels by 20%, in addition, the 100,000 you earned while at the previous maximum level is added 1:1 to your newly earned XP.”

EDIT i suspect the info you got from support was wrong or they got confused in that they described the way the 20% discount works which does reduce the XP.

Are you actually seeing levels showing half the XP requirements?
If that were true this really needs updated. as it’s changed from how it worked a few weeks ago. Tracking Your Rider Score and XP

I got a different answer from zwift which i have verified by riding.

If you are still on double XP. it’s not really double XP it’s double the XP off the next level.

if you are on 10000 and need another 1000 to level up.
For every k you get 20 XP taking your total to 10020 but when you look at the level requirements this will have reduced by 40 so in the example now shows 960.

The other confusing part is that once you pass the Level Transitioning requirements it seems the level chevrons and rider wheelie have disappeared.

I no longer have these but can see my XP per KM towards the next level goes down by 40.

Good god could they make this any more complicated. At this point I couldn’t imagine spending two seconds thinking about it. It’s really awful.


I’m so glad I’m at level 100 and have looped through the progress bar 11 times (so theoretically level 111).

The above is ridiculously complicated and so not necessary. Whoever can understand that deserves some sort of medal.

It shouldn’t be anything near that difficult to understand.

That just says it is far too complicated.