Hey there,
There have been several instances of where Zwift drops out from using my Bluetooth connection, and I’m unable to re-pair during the ride causing me to lose progress and ultimately quit the ride, its v. frustrating.
I’m able to quit Zwift reload the app and repair but there seems to be an error in the app that doesn’t allow to repair mid-ride. Even if you switch off or unplug the trainer and Bluetooth and try and start afresh. For some reason I don’t think Zwift is deleting the old connection from its cache, and is looking for the turbo that I am using before thr connection dropped. What it should do is clear cache when you try and pair and then select the turbo again.
Running a TacX 2T turbo, with a Samsung S21 Galaxy Ultra. Connection is via Bluetooth less than 1m away.
Are there any work arounds, is Zwift aware of this issue?