Compatibility with Elite RealAxiom wired?

I have a Elite Realaxiom hometrainer wired (USB). I am unable to connect it to zwift. Does anybody knows if it can work, and how ?
Thanks in advance !

It should work, are you using windows.

But I know there a a few older models that is not supported.

Thank you for your answer. Yes, I am using Windows 10.
It seems that Zwift try to connect with bluethooth…

Turn your phone off.

Plug in the usb cable. Pedal while searching for a power source, it can take a few minutes.

Hello Gerrie,
Thank you very much for your help. I use a PC. And the USB is a “male” and can not be plugg in my phone … Do you have an idea ?

Sorry, the usb is for your pc. I just don’t want the phone to interfere with the paring process.

I tried several minutes to pedal as my realAxiom was connected with the USB. But it wasn’t able to detect the home trainer …
Should I try more than 10 minutes ?

No 10 is plenty.

Does the trainer work with the Real software on the pc.

Hello Gerrie,
Yes it works with the Real software.
It is a RealAxiom v4.

Hi @Cedric_LEONARD

Told you I will find it.

The bad news is the V4 is not supported.



Thank you very much for tour answer… even it is bad news for me. Do you think Zwift could be upgraded in the future to support the Realaxiom V4?

Kind regards,


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Heads up I had the same issue and this morning it connected, I am not sure if it makes a difference but I also added an ant+ usb … but it does work like a smart trainer…will continue testing