If I go to the Group screen and scroll down, it goes to the bottom, scrolling the groups past so I have to scroll up, but the last update turned it on its head!
Now, if I do something at the main screen, and then go to Groups, it stops scrolling at the last group, showing the last x-number rather than scrolling off the end, but if I don’t do whatever it is that fixes the scrolling, it goes to the basement again.
WHAT FIXES SCROLLING, and can it be done without all the drama and magic sequence to fix it? (It’s almost like a video game sequence now, ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA)
This caught my attention, and I took a moment to review your account information and see that you are running the Zwift Companion on an iPhone, I couldn’t reproduce the issue myself on an Android device, however, I will contact you via email for some one-on-one attention for this issue.
I can try to do a video. I’ve found that the screen capture can actually effect what’s happening on the device, so will have to setup a camera to ‘film’ the interaction on the iPhone. Give me a day or two to get that done.
It’s been doing the ‘scroll to the bottom’ consistently, but just changed behavior recently. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. So it apparently can be fixed. I wonder if it stops at that, or will ‘elastic’ for how many groups, sorry CLUBS, I have.