I’ve often thought when on the “Zwifters” tab in the companion app that “I wish my name would just bounce back to the middle of the screen after a few seconds of no activity”
It’s sometimes quite difficult to find ones self again if you’ve been scrolling through a list of riders nearby.
On the Zwifters tab you tap the icon on top that’s second from the right and it recenters you (at least it gets you on the page your viewing)
Thanks, although I’m not sure which icon you mean - I’ll have a look next time I Zwift
I’m talking about the companian app whilst Zwifting - I don’t see an icon second from right - can you take a screen shot and show me what you mean?
Here it’s the third from the right. I don’t usually have Bluetooth on. It’s the Google-type location icon
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Thanks - of course the icon isn’t there in the iOS app :-/
Thanks for your help all the same
In the iOS Companion App you can tap on the text ‘Zwifters nearby’ for the same effect.
Ok, I’ll give it a try.