Cog & Click / Wahoo Kickr Core

Hi! I do have the Wahoo Kickr Core trainer and I just ordered the Cog & Click. Zwift said I should order the multitrainer version. But it seem as I need the no freehub version. Can I use it anyways?
Thanks, Miriam

Hi @Marry_Lakerer welcome to Zwift Forums.

Indeed the multitrainer version is the easiest to install on the KICKR CORE. If that’s what you ordered, the tool you’ll need is included. Please see the multitrainer version of the video on this support page.

If you ordered the version of the Zwift Cog that doesn’t have a freehub body, that will also work with your CORE. But you’ll need a chain whip tool and cassette lockring tool. The instructions for that option are lower on the same support page

I also have a Kickr Core. I have a chain whip and lockring tool and know how to take the cassette off. Should I order the no Freehub version? Are there any advantages with the Multitrainer Freehub version apart from the easy installation process? Thanks

No the cog is the same whether you get it on a freehub or not

If you get the cog without a freehub, take care not to apply too much torque when installing it or you may break it. It’s not designed to handle the amount of torque you would use when installing a normal cassette.

Thanks very much. That’s really helpful :pray:t2: