Category enforced

To be clear, did we not find out that the system is actually inaccurate?

We found out @Rich was upgraded due to his V02 being +65ml? That was confirmed by @James_Zwift in the thread. (All agreed that is a fact? good lets move on)

When you look at this page, the V02 numbers have been removed? At least they dont provide the information currently
Category Enforcement FAQ?

It was previously stated in this thread that the threshold for V02 was 60+ for A category

Zwift have recently published this data and taken the time to share this information with some of the community, now @James_Zwift confirmed he had moved to A due to breaching the 65ml value, but the previous comms stated it was 60ml - So was there a mistake by Zwift in their communication and they intentionally / unintentionally misled users? Or is there a mistake in the value being applied for an upgrade to Cat A?

So, it looks like there might be a mistake there somewhere? Either in the messaging or the application? Still happy to trust the process?

Or do we think transparency breeds trust and in the long run is the better way to progress especially when dealing with paying customers.

@xflintx probably worth an update when you find your keyboard.