Any estimates on when our CE number will be published and we don’t have to guess or bother you to look it up?
no need to guess, just sigh up for a race and Zwift will show you what category you can enter.
Very aware of that, would like to see the actual number.
Oops wrong thread!
Using is the best we have at present…
In light of no recent updates on the current roadmap it could be years or days before we see it in Zwift or Zwiftpower
way to avoid answering the question!
let me rephrase his question, do Zwift have any plans to put the CE information, such as the image that was posted of my personal CE stats, on our profiles at all ? If not why not and if they are intending to have this information available to the user, why is it taking so long when CE has been in use now for quite some time, wasn’t it around February time that the start of the testing began
I will say it again why do we need a number. When you enter a race Zwift put you in the correct category job done.
Once people start to see the numbers the cheating and sandbagging will start.
again you are being dismissive of a customer asking for data to be shown, people should know if they are breaching a power threshold or a guesstimate of a vo2max value on getting forced to race up a higher level of category, so I’ll ask you again, do Zwift have any plans for provide this data or not?
at least ZP has some sort of transparency where you can see peoples race data and the 90 days etc
I don’t have the answer you are looking for, but giving my personal opinion.
If the system work then there is no need for for the numbers so people can “check” their numbers.
Come now… lets at least be honest about things and not be with the unicorns. That is happening now and people have worked out how to game the system.
Transparency is always better than no transparency…
This is precisely the problem. There’s no way to know if the system is working unless you can see that the calculation makes sense. I have a fairly low level of confidence that the calculation is sound and the data is good for a given rider.
this is about Zwift and providing data to a customer, your dismissiveness of a question purely due to your personal opinion shouldn’t come into any answer
Are you able to put this question to the higherups to get an answer? As Lee says there is no transparency on the CE system and I would not have known I breached vo2max limits rather than CP unless it had been confirmed by James a few days ago, so this is why we need some data available
You give me a lot more credit than deserved.
But the system proved to be correct. CE has two parts to it Parameter 1 : Critical Power (CP) and Parameter 2 – MAP/VO2 with set limits.
With all the data Zwift have and all the checks that the staff is doing they can be fairly confident that the formula does work. It is not hard to check if a formula work, you feed it a bunch of data and then confirm the answer with a different method.
To be clear, did we not find out that the system is actually inaccurate?
We found out @Rich was upgraded due to his V02 being +65ml? That was confirmed by @James_Zwift in the thread. (All agreed that is a fact? good lets move on)
When you look at this page, the V02 numbers have been removed? At least they dont provide the information currently
Category Enforcement FAQ?
It was previously stated in this thread that the threshold for V02 was 60+ for A category
Zwift have recently published this data and taken the time to share this information with some of the community, now @James_Zwift confirmed he had moved to A due to breaching the 65ml value, but the previous comms stated it was 60ml - So was there a mistake by Zwift in their communication and they intentionally / unintentionally misled users? Or is there a mistake in the value being applied for an upgrade to Cat A?
So, it looks like there might be a mistake there somewhere? Either in the messaging or the application? Still happy to trust the process?
Or do we think transparency breeds trust and in the long run is the better way to progress especially when dealing with paying customers.
@xflintx probably worth an update when you find your keyboard.
I believe this suggests they are working on displaying CE calculations. Next step after In Progress is Done !
- Category Enforcement: implement UI informing why certain categories are visible - In Progress
The fact that people keep showing up here asking why they got upgraded, only to be told that they need to do some short hard efforts in order to move down a category, is a pretty clear sign that the algorithm needs help. Especially since ability to do short hard efforts is positively correlated with winning.
Many things that are easy to check are not checked properly by Zwift. I see no reason why CE would be an exception to the general rule here.
Fundamentally power based categorizations are all going to be flawed in some way because they don’t promote people based on the outcome that they want (winning). Sandbaggers want to win races. The reason why CE is better than ZwiftPower categories isn’t because it’s secret - it’s because it’s a better calculation and they’ve implemented a barrier to racing below category at signup. If the CE calculation were transparent, we could be talking about how to make it better instead of endless conjecture.
tell me why category B opened by itself yesterday? To understand what is happening
yes I know it has 2 parts, breach one and you get upgraded, it would be nice to know which one had been breached without seeking support, now vo2max is a difficult one to adjust as I would need to somehow artificially lower this which basically means getting less fit, I guess I could spend every evening in the pub pumping 5 pints of Guinness into the system
surely you can see why people are confused over the category enforcement when there are 2 parts to it?
Security through obscurity is the refuge of incompetents the world over.
of course, a “breach” can also be occur by an effort done 2 months ago expiring. This is probably root cause of a lot of confusion where riders haven’t done any recent efforts, and overnight their cat somehow changed.