Yesterday I was able to use my Kinetic road machine trainer on Zwift but now it doesnt see it and wont connect. The divice and my computer are not ANT compatible but the BT option has been working fine. Ive included 2 pictures. One has 5 pairing options which is what I saw on my zwift yesterday, though the picture is from google and not actually my account. And the other picture is what I am seeing today with only 2 options available. Im pretty frustrated with this as I have not changed anything from my set up nor downloaded anything new and it worked through my 2 week free trial and the first 2 days of my paid subscription. This caused me to miss a club ride I was really looking forward to. The conspiracy part of my brain sees a connection between the complaint I lodged yesterday after my ride about a misleading ad on the website and my inaccessibility today, but I’ve got to believe that was just a coincidence.
If you click “power source” on the screen with the 2 options; will it search for, and find your trainer?
No, it sits on a blank search screen indefinitely
That’s a bit of a shame; I can only offer some idle advice; but I’d recommend trying to work out whether it’s a trainer or PC issue that’s preventing the pairing - if you’ve got any alternative device (a phone or tablet) to temporarily install zwift on, and seeing if that will connect to the trainer, if might point to a PC / Bluetooth on the PC issue. It might also be worthwhile seeing if you can try pairing the trainer to the same PC via another training app / programme (though that might be a little more onerous as it’ll probably involve setting up accounts and the like for another system) in case it’s a issue specific to zwift on that PC.
Though I suppose the first step would also be power cycle the trainer and PC (if not already done), and if the bluetooth is via a USB dongle, seeing whether using another USB port improves matters.
Hello Janson,
I have the exact same issue that only appeared a few days ago.
I am on a windows 11 laptop, what device are you using?
A work around I have at the moment is when the connection screen appears with the two boxes I then turn on my zwift hub and clip my heart rate monitor together and the five boxes suddenly appear and it connects ok.
Give that a try and see how you get on.
I am going to investigate to see if there has been an update on my laptop causing this.
I am also on a windows 11 lap top. I unfortunately don’t have a zwift hub or heart rate monitor to connect up. If you find an update or something for your lap top let me know.