I’m currently using a dumb trainer (minoura b60) along with 2 china sensors (magene 210). the sensors works well with my garmin edge 130. I’m unable to connect both at the same time with my zwift app operated from android device Huawei mate 20 pro. The app connects automatically with my HR sensor. when i try to connect both cadence and speed sensor it just disconnects the first sensor it’s connected with. Anybody else having the same issue? please help. buying a smart trainer is not an option.
p/s: both sensor works with the companion app. how weird??
@Rafiq_Zulkifli are those sensors Bluetooth and ANT+ or just Bluetooth? (Edit: never mind googled and it is both)
Edit: from a google search it looks like that is a single sensor that will provide cadence and speed. Depending on how the broadcast is set it may only send 1 data stream via Bluetooth (if that’s how you are pairing with Zwift). If that’s the case my guess is you can only sync it to one sensor type.
To my knowledge cadence isn’t required just speed (but not 100% on that as I have a smart trainer).
Hi there
I have the same problem with the garmin v2 speed and cadence sensors, zwift recognizes them but one of the two falls. I also use the polar heart rate band. The three elements by bluetooth with a samsung galaxy S7
I have the same problem, but this morning i have an other problem, the speed stay at 0 km/h and i can’t do anything. You have the same problem?
(Sorry for my english, i speak just a little)
I just downloaded the app appears in another Asian language I think, but when you download it it translates everything and it is automatic, it already recognized the sensor and I managed to update it to the latest firmware
(Sorry for my english, i speak Spanish)
https://magenefitness.com/blogs/help-files/app-download!Screenshot_20200420-175900_Magene Utility|243x500
I’ve got the same problems, with other apps, works fine, but when i connected the two sensors, mine are magene and cycplus, one makes to lose signal to the other one. I’m on Android 10 Xiaomi mi 9t.
The problem is something, that when detect the two sensors, the app, detect the same channel, and this is the thing because gets the fail i think,
Only Zwift can fixed reprogramming the app.
Hi guys someone been able to fix the issue?
Got two bt sensors connected but once i start riding Zwift reads only one…
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A mi tb me pasa lo mismo, tengo un sensor de velocidad chino, un sensor de cadencia polar y el pulsometro de polar, detecta los 3 pero cuando empiezas a moverlos, desconecta la app la señal de velocidad. Es un problema, sabéis como solucionarlo? Se puede?
Creo que es un problema de la programación de la aplicación de Zwift, por que en otras aplicaciones funciona.
Con un poco de suerte, en una semana más ya no lo necesitamos el Zwfit xD
I belive is a problem of the developing of the Zwift app, It’s a mistake. With other apps, like wahoo fittnes, my sensors go well. Only with Zwift.
Hi again, one day, i’m using kinomap, and after that change to zwift, all in my phone. And my phone detect the sensor cadence (the cadences was so good, 90-100 and not like other that detect the same sensor, and put 60-64) and the speed sensor ok. All was ok. But I try it to do another time, and it doesn’t works. Finally, we can concluse, that there is a fail in the bluetooth management of zwift app.