I’ve been riding today the Continental Stage 2, and way after riding the first lap (it’s only one) the event just won’t end. That is, neither did the “yay finished… place…” popup appear, nor did I get the usual follow-up email.
Remaining km indicator was stuck at 0.4km.
As this is my second never-ending event – the first one has been the Castelli Stage 4 – I’d like to know more about how to proceed in this case. That is, without riding the event again. And if and how many other players have experienced this or similar.
Sorry for any confusion upon completing the Continental Ride - Stage 2 event. We were able to resolve the issue on our side. Please submit a support ticket (http://bit.ly/ZwiftSupport) and you will receive full credit for completing the ride.
Zwift should proactively fix this and let ALL riders know of the problem/outcome. It should not be down to individuals to raise separate support tickets.
Riding the Continental Stage 3 a few minutes ago I ran into this bug again.
We’ve been supposed to ride 29.8km + a few more due to the location of the staging area—yet compare the sum of odometer and the remaining km indicator:
(I’ve not redacted the chat bubble. They started to be empty a few days ago.)
This is on my workstation which has ECC memory btw.
Stage 3 was the same this morning. Looked like the course was reverse, but distance indicator was counting the forward course. So distance indicator only started to go down after a complete (reverse) lap of the road to ruins course.