Bug: Blurred / out of focus screenshots (iOS/iPadOS)

Thanks @Chris_Holton and @Dave_ZPCMR - I don’t plan to give up just yet. I don’t think its acceptable for the number of bugs there are, and for how long they simply go unaddressed. I don’t know what the answer is other than to keep pushing Zwift to actually fix them. If enough customers complain often enough and loudly enough, surely it has to effect some kind of attention and cultural change.

Its so sad that some of the users on this forum that are clearly most invested in Zwift and could be their greatest champions are almost uniformly disillusioned and bitter with Zwift customer service/support. Its a real cultural problem that Zwift seem to be souring the experience of the very people that could be their biggest champions and proponents.

disillusioned maybe but not bitter.
I’ve been here since the very early days of zwift, there are many many things that are wrong with it but that don’t really affect things much, these are worth flagging but not worth getting too bothered about when they remain unfixed - just keep mentioning them every now and then - incorrect lead in distances is one of my long standing bug bears!
the thing that frustrates me more is there are very fundamental things that have been asked for for the 6 or 7 years I’ve been using zwift that remain missing.
the gradient graph is woefully poor - it used to be good and they ruined it. Gradient isn’t even mentioned in the CA - madness!
the dashboard on the companion app is worse than pointless
customisation of the HUD has been requested since day one - the solution? you can remove it! great!
We wanted to be able to save without exiting for years - the solution? now you can’t save and exit! great!

I could go on but i’d be here all day!

small graphical issues don’t bother me, should they be there? no, should they be fixed? yes. Would i rather zwift fixed them or introduced better functionality? the latter all day long.

Understood, and I wasn’t meaning any offence by “bitter”, perhaps a poor choice of words, but clearly you are annoyed that things go unaddressed for years on end, that’s all I meant.

I think the dichotomy of “would I rather fix X than Y” is a false one, and a way of apologising for Zwift. I would expect all bugs to be fixed, its that simple - sure prioritise the most important ones, but the timescales currently for any bugs (both major and minor) are simply unnacceptable in my opinion, and out of line with any other product or service that I pay for.

I think even saying “don’t fix X because I’d rather fix Y” lets Zwift off the hook. They should be fixing them both, just at different timescales.

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I didn’t say don’t fix X - in fact i explicitly said they should be fixed - but i have been here long enough to know they won’t so I won’t let it bother me too much.
Game breaking stuff and things that could easily be implemented that would improve the game experience but aren’t are more annoying to me.

It shouldn’t be X or Y but that seems to be what happens.

I’ve been saying the same for years at this point. Far too many people (not Chris) treat Zwift like a charity IMO and the company takes it for granted, relying heavily on goodwill. There’s rarely any serious pressure about anything, and I genuinely don’t get it.


I think i give them a little more credit than I should but more in a realistic way than anything. Kind of like working with a difficult child that you’re trying to get to tidy their room. Do I want the room to be tidy? absolutely - do i think the room will be tidy? absolutely not!

Zwift’s Terms of Service (14 a):

Your use of our Platform is at your sole risk. Except as otherwise provided in a writing by us, our Platform and any content or items sold therein are provided “as is” and “as available” without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. In addition, Zwift does not represent or warrant that our Platform is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. While Zwift attempts to make your use of our Platform safe, we cannot and do not represent or warrant that our Platform or servers are free of viruses or other harmful components. You assume the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Platform.

Translation: “We’ll take your money, and you can lump it.”

Pretty much. It is standard software license boilerplate, but this seems to be the one product where you actually have to take it at face value. Certainly makes life easier the sooner you accept that bugs are probably not going to get fixed so you can take the ones that actually are as a positive surprise.

(Is there a gym called “Fitness for a particular purpose” anywhere yet?)

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This x1000! Couldn’t agree more.

I was like this for a long while, they were doing something that no one else was and gave them the benefit of the doubt. I’d even keep my subscription payment going through the 6-7 summer months when I’d almost never use the platform. Honeymoon for me ended when they started doing those large funding rounds and started spending money sponsoring professional real-world racing yet didn’t spend money to fix long standing bugs and feature requests.

They’re a $1bn company. Not to fix basic software bugs is absurd, and taking advantage of their paying customers.

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This bug is still present in latest build - think number is1.32.0 (106182) - and seeing this across everyone in my feed who does custom workouts so it seems universal. Are we able to get this moved to Known Issues and passed to development Zwift support? Anyone out there??

I’ve been also trying to reproduce this on my iPad Pro. I usually do one custom workouts per week (sometimes two), and went back over the last two months of screenshots. None of them were blurry for me - so the issue isn’t 100% repro for every device on a custom workout. Now, I do not proactively take screenshots, I only get the auto-screenshots.

That said, it does seem the background blurs out (intentionally) when a ride report screenshot is taken for instance, I wonder if what’s happening is a timing issue where the screenshot is taken after the blur effect is set but before a ride report (or similar) overlay is present.

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Hi @James_Zwift @DavidP did this bug make it onto your list to be looked at please?

Another one today from another (new) rider in my feed, think this is extremely widespread and people just not bothering to report it:

I am having this problem as well on both iPad Pro 2017 and iPhone 13 Pro both running latest iOS and versions of Zwift.

It starts out fine and then, over the course of half an hour the following three things occur visually (1) the colour washes out to grey (2) RGB colours separate out with R, G then B displaced increasingly further away from the centre of the screen [which may be generating the grey affect] (3) dark horizontal lining is evident

All the information boxes around the screen are fine, it only affects the 3D visuals, and as soon as I stop my ride the live 3D visual feed immediately appears normal.

These symptoms have been happening for a while now and always occur every time I ride. First 4 images are of my iPad taken with my iPhone … the last of these was taken when I stopped my 30 min custom workout. The 5th image is a screenshot from my iPhone.

That’s the workout “pain effect” that appears gradually towards the end of intervals. You can turn that setting off within the app.


Ah ok thanks … didn’t realise that was a thing in Zwift and never seen it before.

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Hi @Thane_Hall

Welcome to the forum.

It is only displayed when you do a workout.

For more information on how to turn off the “Pain effect” see: GP Lama video