Avatar not moving despite showing power

I have been using Zwift for one year now. It started this morning. Avatar not moving despite having everything connected AND power and cadence showing in the upper left corner. Tried restarting Zwift. Tried on a computer and on a tablet. Nothing.

Do you have Play controls paired? Brakes on?

I do have them paired but I’m not touching the brakes.

I have tried unplugging the trainer and plugging, pairing it back. It worked for a bit and then it stopped.

Try turning brake sensitivity down to 0 or turning off the play controllers.

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Ok it seems to work. But why did it just started doing that all of a sudden? And why is it intermittent? I’m not even touching the controllers. And now the right controller doesn’t steer.

The controllers probably need to be replaced

I just bought them a month ago!

It’s a common failure. Of course if you don’t care about using the brakes you can just leave that feature turned off, but they are under warranty and you could probably get a new set.

By all means do the hard reset (hold power button 30+ seconds) but I doubt it will help.

Are you a heavy sweater? Did moisture get into the controllers?

I sweat just like everyone else on Zwift. If the controllers can’t handle that, then they are badly designed because they are obviously going to get some sweat! I really hate it when manufacturer design things with “common” problems!

Me too, but my play controllers are fine, thats why I asked if you have excessive sweat (some people do). I think they were designed to handle “normal” sweat.

Same problem here. Right controller brakes suddenly on en avatar doesn’t move anymore.

Step 1: Contact support@zwift.com
Step 2: Go into Zwift settings and move the Braking Sensitivity slider all the way to the left so you can enjoy riding while you wait

Thank you very much for your advice Paul.
Merry Christmas.