Auto steering for non-steering riders

When will this get fixed? Numerous people have complained about this unfair situation where riders with no steering devices can’t draft riders with steering if they steer to the side of the road.

In today’s ladder race, I was the only person with no steering and had to ride next to the group, getting zero draft, and eventually pulling the plug on my race after a couple of attacks.

If this is going to be the norm going forward, might as well admit it as such so we don’t hope for a solution at least.

Autosteering v5 is aleeady running in Watopia Free Ride for over a month and in the Group Rides for at least 3 weeks.

I must be an exception then, since I am too strong to need draft in races. /s Whatever update they had for auto steering clearly is not working for non-steering riders. We still have a single lane in the middle, while steering riders have other lanes they can jump on to.

What of Free Ride in Watopia and Group Rides you didn’t understand.

Races (like ladder) are not using this at the moment but it’s coming soon is my guess.

If you want to test it you can ask a friend that has steering and you create a Club Group Ride and you can see how it’s working.

If you are to lazy here is my test

see all the comments on the 1.80 thread about PD5 and the issues it’s causing.

Non-steering riders finally have full access to the road now; whether we like it or not…

Which, in the current state of things, just means that we can potentially get shoved further away from other riders.

But, to answer your OP question; it appears as of 1.79/1.80, the extra lanes of steering riders had formerly, are no longer limited to users with steering enabled.

Who cares about it being fixed in free rides. That’s not what my complaint was about. I said it needs to be fixed in races and your comment confirms that it’s still an issue in races.

If there is a fix for it outside of races, why is it being held for races? That’s where it has the biggest impact on user experience.

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This explains it all for me. I’ve done a robo pacer yesterday and felt something was off because i was randomly getting pushed to the back while maintaining power.

Messed up steering plus the new PD have really pushed drafting further away from realism in my opinion. I can suck a wheel all day long IRL, but it has become extremely difficult to do on Zwift lately.

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yea, and it is terrible. These new pack dynamics suck, plus they brought back sticky draft. I have steering and it sucks.

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exactly…the new pack dynamics are bad bad messed up. Pushes you to the outside out of the draft, sticky draft, whole slew of steering issues too.

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This apparently makes racing more exciting and slow packs down. However you look at big robopacer groups - they are still way too fast for the power level.

Even folks with steering get pushed to the side and out of draft.

I believe that is deliberate to make groups slower.

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Correct intend, wrong solution in my opinion. Instead of making drafting harder for everyone in the pack, they could have implemented it so that only riders at the front get penalized for pushing into the wind. Right now, even people at the tail end of the pack are being penalized, despite theoretically having the most draft benefit.

The issue is that draft cone is too short and too narrow right now, so it’s easier to drop out of someone’s draft no matter where you are in a bunch. That shouldn’t be the case for someone who has a large column of riders in front of them. A large bunch has a massive draft zone behind it. Imagine the difference between the draft zone of a semi and a car. The former is significantly larger than the other. That’s currently not the case in Zwift as far as I can tell.

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If you aren’t holding the draft in a group ride then it doesn’t matter what your power ends up averaging.

If a group ride leader aims for say 3w/kg, and the group is 100 people, for someone like myself at 60kg, I would expect the actual pack pace to be upwards of 4.2w/kg for me, based on my own experience. (That would be the pace I need to hold to keep up with the pack when outside the draft, alone)

Something to consider that some people fail to realize.

Leader pace ≠ pack/solo pace.

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