is anyone having issues when joining the Fast for Fun rides im issued with a set of Zwift wheels and when i try and change them to my regular wheelset in the garage it wont allow i can change the bike or gear . on the start line the other riders have different wheels but here’s the other thing all the wheels are a strange shape i find this mentaly off putting any one having these issues ? Dennis
“Fun is Fast” ride series have everyone on the same “Supersonic Wheels” and wearing the same “Supersonic jersey”. If you see otherwise, it’s a bug and/or other people need to upgrade their version of Zwift to get the new assets to appear in game.
Hi Lin thank you for the reply the jersey change I understand this is a general feature for special series rides as for the wheels I’m yet to race or ride in a special series where wheels could not be changed and surely not all 30 plus riders Zwift accounts are out of date as for bugs again not sure all my other racers and rides are faultless anyway the series’s is almost over thanks once again for your help.
Hi Lin
Just a short note and apologies I should have checked but went to Zwift insider and yes your correct there is a change for all to the Zwift wheels hope I haven’t wasted your time .