I am sure the wheel stopped on the lightweight wheels following my last alpe climb (9th attempt) - However they haven’t been added to my garage.
Is there any way to look back on previous attempts and see what was awarded?
Has anyone experienced issues with not being awarded the wheels?
Was I hallucinating at the top of the alpe???
Any help at all would be great.
(Ricky Dee GVC F365)
October 8, 2019, 11:46am
You only get to keep them if you do the little loop at the top
If you look at the ride in the Companion App it should show if you unlocked a new item along the route.
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I dont think I completed the loop at the top - I may have pulled a u-turn.
Where abouts in the app ride log would it show the prize?
(Ricky Dee GVC F365)
October 8, 2019, 12:59pm
A poor joke tbf.
If you check your ride in the Companion App from 17 July you’ll see you got the helmet at the top… if nothing shows then it’s because the wheel landed on something you already had (so no new unlock) I think.